ElementsBrowserCreator(abbreviated as EBC) is anObject-Oriented automation tool, which helps you easily, rapidly, joyfully, powerfully browse elements of a windows application which includes Win32, WPF, and IE application, create automation classes, and run test cases. Its Top Features are as below. 1. Suitable for all kinds of Windows applications and browsers. EBC supports Win32, Accessibility, IE document model, and UIAutomation(Mita&WPF). For those, which support above technical, EBC is suitable to automate them. 2. Guess a more meaningful name for each element. EBC can guess a meaningful element name from its context, this is really helpful. 3. Also can capture and automate Flyout dialogs. For thumbnail, tooltip, and such on dynamic/flyout dialogs, it’s difficult to capture and automate, but for ElementsBrowserCreator, things become easy, it can easy to capture dynamic dialogs, create related test classes, and run them. 4. Can trace automation elements with real application elements visually. For some applications, it’s difficult to map real elements to automation elements, here, for EBC, we provide map tool to show their relations. 5. Can auto create automation classesand test cases. A WPF application. Main UI of EBC with searching out WPF application elements. Auto-created automation class is as below. Auto-Created test case is as below. MainWindow whiteMainWindow =new MainWindow("WpfApplicationTest"); whiteMainWindow.Attach(5000); whiteMainWindow.textboxMainWindow.Text ="Created Automation"; whiteMainWindow.buttonButton.Click(); A sample whole sulotion looks like below. Frome above simple WPF automation example, you can see that, EBC is object-oriented tool; browse, search, guess, and collect elements for your automation easily, quickly, powerfully, and widely; And it will help you to auto-created test cases. As required, I appended below Calculator automation example. 1. Start a normal Calculator. 2. Search all the elements in Calculator. 3. Collect some elements to create the automation Calculator class. The created automation class is as below. 4. Select to create test case. Created test case is as below. 5. The whole Visual Studio solution is displayed as below for your reference. Above Calculator example presents Win32 application automation, we also can use EBC to automate other Accessibility applications and other web sites. there is a guide document attached inside the download file and after your installation, you can see that guide pdf file and all kinds of examples are listed inside and give most detail introduction for them. |