C# is intended to be a terse, smart, relatively easy, modern, powerful, general-purpose, efficient, productive, object-oriented language, but on the meantime, it is also recognized to be reversed easily, so I designed CodeProtector to protect your C# codes from source codes on and which is really easy to setting as your requirement. The top benefits of Code Protector Add-In for Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012. 1. Protect your C# codes from source code level on. 2. Save your time to protect source codes. 3. Auto judge and obfuscate source code elements against reversing. 4. Smart filters and costumizing user settings. 5. Keep existed logic even there is occasional interruption. 6. Visible to see result and you caninsert your special changes to improve safety. 7. Seamless with and under powerful Visual Studio. For more details, please see CodeProtector on luckylu.webs.com Below is a simple introdution video. Below is a running demostration video. |