Localizer Extension is a simple Visual Studio extension that allows you to extract string resources from C# source files and from .xaml files.
This extension is intended to be used under C# WPF projects only.
Localizer Extension is a simple Visual Studio extension that allows you to extract string resources from C# source files and from .xaml files.
This extension is intended to be used under C# WPF projects only.
Simply download the extension and install it. After installed, the extension will become available in Visual Studio.
Getting started
First steps
To use this extension, simply right click on any string string test = "right click here" in a.cs file or on Text="right click here" in a .xaml file. A message box will be prompted to input a name for the resource. After clickingaccept the resource will be extracted to res/Strings.xaml. This file can be modified manually.
Managing translations
Under the Project Visual Studio menu you will find a new entry calledManage strings resources. Click it, and a new window will appear. In this window you can:
Add new locales (such as es-ES, en-UK, etc)
Delete existing locales (the String.ll-CC.xaml resource files will be removed from disk)
Add a custom resources file, which can include images and other files. Must be edited manually.
In this window you will also be able to open the Settings window which allows you to change some stuff such as how the resources folder is called or how the resources class is called.