xdoc.exe is used to generate documentation for programs.
It has the ability to:
Extract language metadata for programing languages as defined in [Metadata Format Specification](metadata_format_spec.md). Currently language `VB` and `CSharp` are supported. The language metadata will be saved with `YAML` format as described in [YAML 1.2][1].
Look for available conceptual files as provided and link it with existing programs with syntax described in [Section 3. Work with Metadata in Markdown](metadata_format_spec.md). Supported conceptual files are *plain text* files, *html* files, and *markdown* files.
Generate documentation to
Visualize language metadata, with extra **content** provided by linked conceptual files using syntax described in [Section 3. Work with Metadata in Markdown](metadata_format_spec.md).
Organize and render available conceptual files. It can be easily cross-referenced with language metadata pages.
Currently generating documentations to a *client only* **website** is supported. The generated **website** can be easily published to whatever platform such as *Github Pages* and *Azure Website* with no extra effort.Offline documentations such as **pdf** are planned to be supported in the future.