Shared Snippets
- Version 1.0.6- Bug fixes and new snipppets;
- Version 1.0.5 - Added new snipppets;
- Version 1.0.4 - Bug fixes and new snipppets;
Why I did this extension?
I'm Leno Carvalho and I'm a .NET developer.
Developed this extension to help improve developer productivity, ensure better maintainability of projects, and decrease the number of CTRL-C | CTRL-V actions in projects.
Due to many factors, each developer works in a way, but few are those who seek the practice of perfecting themselves and seeking new knowledge. With this, the code refactoring practice is one of the few known by most developers. In addition many programmers work only to deliver the project on time, but do not think that another developer can work on that same code later.
This type of behavior generates codes with low maintainability, forcing future developers to waste precious time in reading code that was not based on any type of design pattern.
The code templates implemented in this extension vary according to the needs of each project (windows forms, console applications, web applications, etc), but all models try to deliver a pattern in each class, forcing developers to maintain a Code development standard, where all other programmers who come to work on this same project will not have much difficulty.
Basically that's it!
If you find any error or want to leave us a suggestion just contact me.
See you soon !!!