This extension enables easily, with few steps to publish Security | Quality | Build Information from Azure Pipelines into other work systems like JIRA | ServiceNow | MicroFocus or any supported SyncNow connected system. The extension will execute a configured action (update | link | comment) on all entities mentioned in code changes comments or create a new entity.
Example Scenarios
Add a link to SonarQube Quality - SyncNow also gathers information from SonarQube directly
Update Security | Quality scan status into JIRA Issue or to any other connected system entity mentioned in code commits comments
Link any Azure DevOps Item, build, release and add it as a link or a comment with a link to any work system
Update build version into a field Issue mentioned in commits | TFVC
Create a bug and store it in any other work systems,set fields and add attachments regarding test runs
How to configure
Purpose - link builds of Azure DevOps into Jira Issues
Create a DevOps Gate process in SyncNow with few steps
Add SyncNow Publisher task to your pipeline
Set SyncNow Endpoint with SyncNow base URL
Choose the desired action and set the payload for the action (can be copied from SyncNow)
Customize the payload with Azure DevOps variables, for example the variable $(Build.DefinitionName) will be replaced with the build definition name
Configuration parameters
Name: Set the name of the task
SyncNow Endpoint: The base URL of SyncNow
Check Authenticate with credentials to send credentials from the endpoint defined in Azure DevOps to SyncNow
Sync DevOps Gate Process ID: this the ID of the gateway process, it can be taken from the process page in SyncNow
Action: choose the action to execute, the action will be executed on all entities mentioned in code comments
Attach: chose if to attach files to all entities that will be updated, created. Attachments can be filtered with minimatch patterns. Currently we support adding only two attachments, up to 20MB.
Maximum allowed changes: Set the maximum allowed entities that will be changed in the target system
Payload: the payload is a JSON that can be taken from file or from a script. The schema of the JSON can be copied SyncNow UI per any action required.
SyncNow Platform
SyncNow is an innovative integration, synchronization and value stream enrichment platform
Connect Your Teams Across Multiple Work Systems In Real-Time | Get A Unified View Of Security | Quality | Build Information | Create Cross System Processes Using Pre-Made Templates
SyncNow enables to:
Connect internal or external teams regardless of their work system - collaborate, discuss within your issue with other teams. Synchronize issues and create a unified work process.
Enrich - Get Insights on your value stream. Enrich with security , quality, build or release metrics from various tools into Jira or Service Desk Issue.
Link - Link systems altogether :
link Azure DevOps code TFVC | Git into any connected system work item
link Jenkins builds, releases and any other tool into Azure DevOps or any SyncNow connected system.
Migrate from one system to another or consolidate systems
Choose from a list of connectors. We have created connectors for ALM, QA, ITIL systems. More connectors will be available soon or contact us, book a demo and we will be happy to hear your needs.