SyncNow is an innovative integration, synchronization and value stream enrichment platform
Connect Your Teams Across Multiple Work Systems In Real-Time | Get A Unified View Of Security | Quality | Build Information | Create Cross System Processes Using Pre-Made Templates
SyncNow enables to:
Connect internal or external teams regardless of their work system - collaborate, discuss within your issue with other teams. Synchronize issues and create a unified work process.
Enrich - Get Insights on your value stream. Enrich with security , quality, build or release metrics from various tools into Jira or Service Desk Issue.
Link - Link systems altogether :
- link Azure DevOps code TFVC | Git into any connected system work item
- link Jenkins builds, releases and any other tool into Azure DevOps or any SyncNow connected system.
Migrate from one system to another or consolidate systems
More information can be found in our website
Connect the Enterprise | Remote Teams
Collaborate with teams working in JIRA, ServiceNow, NetSuite or any other SyncNow connected System . Enterprise teams have never been more connected :
- Discuss within an entity (issue, or workitem) with teams working on different systems.
- Share work status from boards
- Create a unified flow from sales throughout the development process to Support
Choose from a list of connectors. We have created connectors for ALM, QA, ITIL systems. More connectors will be available soon or contact us, book a demo and we will be happy to hear your needs.
Sync Template
Select a template that suites your needs:
- Use SyncNow templates for different scenarios: Azure DevOps consolidation, Azure DevOps-Jira Synchronization, ServiceNow-Jira and more
- or Create your own template and share it
Get Insights on Your Value Stream
Publish through SyncNow DevOps Gate and enrich information from various systems, we made it easy to publish from Jenkins, SonarQube or you can use our simple APIs to publish, link and enrich data in any connected system
- Link code from Azure DevOps to Jira or any other connected system
- Enrich your ALM issues with quality, security data
- Link Builds, Releases or any other information to Azure DevOps, Jira issues
- Link Builds, Releases or any other information to Azure DevOps, Jira issues
Migration Scenarios
Use our templates and migrate from one system to another
JIRA Server | DC <->JIRA Cloud (XRAY Supported)
Migrate from the cloud to on premise edition or vise versa
Azure DevOps Consolidation
Consolidate multiple Azure DevOps Instances | Collections
Azure DevOps <-> JIRA
Migrate from Azure DevOps to JIRA or vice versa
Azure DevOps <-> JIRA+XRAY
Migrate from Azure DevOps to JIRA XRAY, Migrate test plans into repository, test plans, test cases
Migration & Bulk Sync Docs
Feature List
- Easy to Use
- Map Sharing
- Extensible
- Bulk Sync
- Error Correction
- Continuous Sync
- Conflicts Resolving
- Log Sync Data
- Complex Data Transformation
- DevOps Gate
- Link Issues to Commits and Pull Requests
- Enterprise Ready
- Synchronize Discussions
- Synchronize Attachments
- Support for HTML | WIKI | Rich Text Fields
- Filter what to Synchronize
- Synchronize Custom Entities
- Inheritance – One Map to Many Processes
- Relations Entities | References Mapping
- Jira Work Logs Synchronization
- Synchronize Sprints
- Complex Synchronizations with Code Snippets
- Advanced Search of Synchronizations
- Detailed Log of Each Synchronization
- Scheduler Based Synchronization
- Continuous Synchronization
- Multi Active-Active SyncNow Cluster