BizTalk NoS Ultimate is a Visual Studio add-in for BizTalk developers that will improve the experience while developing BizTalk projects. The add-in offers lots of useful functionalities (in addition to existing features) for developers by which they can save valuable time wh...
BizTalk NoS Ultimate is a Visual Studio add-in for BizTalk developers that will improve the experience while developing BizTalk projects. The add-in can be installed as an extension to Microsoft Visual Studio and offers lots of useful functionalities (in addition to existing features) for developers by which they can save valuable time while working on their day-to-day activities and improve the productivity. BizTalk development is typically considered brutal, and we wanted to change it.
Release History
Version 1.5.30 (21/July/2015)
New Enhancement: Jack Hammering, enhanced with extract & compare functions from the deployed assemblies in different environments, which helps the user to view the particular artifacts from the project, by means of extracting &comparing the assemblies/artifacts.
Extract artifact: The artifacts selected from the deployed & local assemblies could be extracted in a physical folder, where the extracted artifacts could be opened and edited in Visual studio.
Compare artifact:The artifact selected from the deployed & local assemblies can be compared, and could be saved in a physical folder, so that it will be easier for the developer/admin to compare the deployed artifacts and solution level artifacts.
New Enhancement: In Environment settings, the new CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations has been added, which helps to update the environment details.
User Experience: NoS reporting (metrics & individual report) format with new look and feel has been updated.
Bug: UI issues with Internal/External Dependencies (Heuristic propagation) has been fixed.
Bug: Troubleshooting with the Dependencies feature by enabling the project unit testing set to true has been fixed.
Bug: Issues with Dynamic Navigation, Auto Scan function while opening an artifact has been fixed.
Bug: Register/Un –Register GAC without elevation has been fixed.
Version 1.2.20 (21/May/2015)
Bug: Deploy option deployed assemblies to default application - Fixed
Bug: Issues with Troubleshooting Tools - Fixed
Bug: Installation issue due to installed .NET Framework depenency - Fixed
User Experience: When looking for external references, NoS expanded all the projects in the solution - Fixed
Bug: Fix an issue with Jackhammering - was not loading correctly in few scenarios - Fixed