---- Version 1.0.2 ---- Added compatibility with VS 2017. ---- Version 1.0.1 ---- Removed dependency on English locale. ---- Version 1.0.0 ---- This extension provides a way to visualize TFS security group membership and permissions for each user. TFS security tends to get convoluted or even tangled and unfortunately there is no built-in tool to visualize which user gets what permissions based on what membership. I also could not find third party solution to answer those questions, so came out with one myself. No admin rights required to use the tool as it only visualizes security relationships, but does not try to change it. This extension is two-fold: When installed as VSIX package it shows up in the Tools menu and allows running from Visual Studio. Standard VS dialog would ask what team projects(s) you want to visualize. There is also executable which does the same using command line parameters. The tool grabs all required information from TFS using very few bulk requests, so the result is usually avbailable almost instantaneous. As the result the tool produces DGML diagram, which any version of Visual Studio (after 2010) can display. Diagram contains groups for each source control folder with different permissions than others. Within each group the tool shows permission variations and what users or security groups belong to each permissions variation. Then groups (both TFS and Active Directory) are recursively expanded to individual accounts level. |