Kaffu's Theme! ☕This is my personal Visual Studio theme, based on the blue color because it's my favorite color. I hope you like it! Preview 📷Compatibility 📋I use this theme as my personal and main theme in my projects, so I try to make it compatible with the most used languages and frameworks. But if you find some issues with the theme, you can open an issue or a pull request, I'll be so grateful! Tools 🛠️Software 📦
Use 🚀Through the Visual Studio Marketplace 📦
Through the VSIX File 📦
Contributing 🤝If you think that this theme needs more languages or some changes, you can open an issue or a pull request. If you want to open an issue, you can follow the next steps:
If you want to open a pull request, you can follow the next steps:
I'll be so grateful if you contribute to the project! License 📄This project is under the MIT License. |