VSSonar Extension makes it easier to execute analysis on against SonarQube. Additionally to this it also runs static analysis locally with configured tools and compares with the violations in sonar. Only the enabled rules are reported when doing local static analysis.
. Retrive issues, coverage, duplications from sonar server
. Manage quality profiles, including sqale parameters on the fly
. Manage Action Plans, associate issues with Plan
. Source control support, use blame to auto assing and to filter issues by date.
. Issue Tracker support, create defects in issue tracker using SonarQube information
. All SonarQube analysis modes, preview, incremental and full analysis
. File analysis, on the fly analysis of source code with automatic sync of rules and quality profiles
. Display techincal debt
. Issue Search Engine
Read the blog: http://vssonarextension.blogspot.com
Issue Tracker and Wiki: https://github.com/TeklaCorp/VSSonarQubeExtension
add clang-tidy
Support for SQ 6.3, introduce coverage leak html report
initial support for sq 6.3
Minor bug in cxx plugin include headers
All plugins are now open source. Full functionality is now available
As part of this release we had 52 commits which resulted in 18 issues being closed.
- #243 crash when adding tag and move the cursor up and down
- #242 sonar address not kept if connect at start is off
- #241 when searching for issues after associating twice 2 to 2 different projects results in issues from the first project
- #238 reset quality profiles after disconnect
- #235 throw exception if configkey is already present
- #228 multiple versions of vs still cause access violations in the settings file
- #212 Errors for directories in solution without representation onn disk
- #240 sort tags in tag editor
- #239 provide help url from comtext menu
- #237 update security sub cat in default model
- #236 handle userdiagnostics from folders instead of file paths
- #234 upgrade fsharplint
- #233 open in default browser instead of vs internal browser
- #232 pass visualstudioworkspace to plugins if running in vs 2015
- #231 make filter false positives on by default
- #230 pass fromSave to file analysis
- #227 move diagnostics into version dependent folders
- #206 Authentication using SQ 5.3 tokens - why not SSO?
As part of this release we had 18 issues closed.
- #225 only 42 users were retrieved
- #214 when creating a new action plan, the plans are not reloaded in context menu
- #209 comments are not retrieved by default in >5.2
- #208 attach comment to issue tracker exception
- #226 include cxx-linter
- #224 search by author
- #223 release new version of api to nuget
- #222 use sources scm to get blame instead of dedicated plugins
- #220 allow to search without project associated
- #219 add a new component search feature to issues feature
- #218 allow to choose filter by multiple users
- #217 allow to save search
- #216 dont use EventToCommand from mvvm light, use i:InvokeCommandAction from interactivity
- #213 Update reference to sonar-cxx-msbuild-tasks version 1.9.2. RC1+
- #211 create apply project permission rest service
- #210 load diagnostics from appdata as default way
- #207 improve message when credentials are not set
- #205 introduce leak concept
Implemented enhancements:
- update icon and Publisher #197
- ensure that if we are able to use a upgrade version of cxx wrapper #194
- analysis in solution menu show start a analysis dialog #192
- detect analysers are installed in solution, suggest installing roslyn plugin #191
- add assign project to quality profile #190
- add copy profile and change parent to web service #188
- provide solution path and profile to plugins at association stage #187
- support run analysis without project being analysed in server, provision project #186
- support showing only new issues in local file analysis #160
- Integrate https://github.com/DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers #144
Fixed bugs:
- bootstrapper translate path broken #199
- association fails for a branch project after provision #198
- remove extra lablel #195
- weird dialog poping up after analysis in 2013, it locks vs and needs to be killed #196
- ensure that after upgrade analysers in old extension folders are not loaded into vs #184
- support anaysis of files for modules when in preview #182
- local analysis needs to have the sonar.branch passed and the name cannot have spaces #180
- Misleading Error-Message when trying to connect to a Sonar-Server #177
- be able to cancel queries #168
- when a new branch is created, without project being analysed the component keys will be empty#162
- increase version to 5.0.0 #193
- custom rule created broken in 5.2 and above #189
- support sonarqube msbuild runner #185
Implemented enhancements:
- support last version of sonar lint #183
- support sonar 5.2 #172
- add context menu to modify sqale debt #152
- improve project association window looks and size, filter false positives in branch projects #137
Closed issues:
- typo in show source diff button #181
- Update assembly infos to 4.1 #178
- when profile cannot be retrieved the local ananlysis buttons are stuck #166
- allow to exclude rules from sonar extension #165
- in feature branch if moving to master, disconnect and connect again the go to line does not work anymore #163
Fixed bugs:
- if changing solution during same vs studio session project basedir is not set for the translation key#157
- Duplicate entry in diagnostic menu. #145
- improve project association window looks and size, filter false positives in branch projects #137
- ensure that after upgrade analysers in old extension folders are not loaded into vs #184
Fixed bugs:
- Clicking on issue in issues grid, does to take you to line of code #119
- Server connection settings not retained #118
- Double click on issue does not open class #114
- SonarQubeExtension not able to start: The process cannot access the file settings.cfg #94
- clear all issues, does not refresh statistics #151
- output window in some systems it does not show up #149
- Fix index and size of columns in grid #142
- if plugin does not provide options, when changing to that plugin the right side should be empty or show a default window should that plugin does not provide options #139
- cannot establishe connection when address ends with trailing /, test connectiong works #138
- dont lock visual studio when working with issues grid #136
- if file is not open, the lookuptype is not set #135
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature/support msbuild runner #156 (jmecosta)
- allow to assign issues to user. #150
- add author information #148
- move all options in view to left side #143
- Fix index and size of columns in grid #142
- Add issue tracker and plan information to issue grid #141
- add comment flyout #140
- if plugin does not provide options, when changing to that plugin the right side should be empty or show a default window should that plugin does not provide options #139
4.0.1 Issue Tracker, Source Control and Action Plans
Implemented enhancements:
- add analysis options, disable project check and solution check #131
- support creating issues against third party issue tracker system like tfs #93
- refactor IVsEnvironmentHelper to include only visual studio dependent code #92
- when user does not have permissions to check status of issue, there should be a popup #89
- assing issue to author using source control information - issue menu context #130
- when searching by date add a checkbox to filter issues that have creation date ealier than blame information #129
- add issue to action plan in issue menu context, include create plan #128
- provide a roslyn manager #127
- support feature branchs #125
- Create a association dialog in case automatic association is not possible #124
- add new issue tracking interface plugin and source blame interface plugin #121
- order users in search issues #97
- add possibility to search issues by action plan #80
Fixed bugs:
- if file is not open, the lookuptype is not set #135
- crash: if folder is open vs will crash when using source control features #134
Closed issues:
- get commit Information for issue #132
- allow to create a new project in case no project is found #90
- update to latest rosylin and sonarlint #122
- plugin manager does not remove plugin dlls #120
- collections.immutable needs to be available in extension folder #117
- persist settings after installation of a new version #115
#112 include stylecop settings and last sq code analysis
#111 - ensure stats are reset after changing file
update assembly version to #110
remove anoying popup for resource not supported #109
make stylecop and roslyn rules work under vs 2015 #108
speed up rule lookup #107
pass version of vs to settings #106
support sonar-dotnet-codeanalysis #105
context menu -> open in visual studio is broken #102
create a notification manager #99
double clicking in file with same name does not work #98
#99 notification manager
#100 speed up rule lookup
#101 solution interface analyser
#96 validate sq 5.1
#95 refactor configuration properties
#87 when plugin not found should say no plugin supports this file bug
#86 if analysis fails because of no permissions to see code, extension should warn about it enhancement
#85 when a new installation is done, if sonar runner is not found it should reset if set to appdata folder bug
#84 Clicking on Tools/Sonar Quality Editor crashes visual studio
#83 integrate NSonarQubeAnalyzer enhancement
#82 integrate Roslyn as prefered way of using the extension
#81 authenticating to sonar without credential fails bug
#79 when applying status to multiple issues, the extension should not lock visual studio enhancement
#78 when changing status of issue, filtering needs to be applied again bug
#74 vs2012 association does not work after a project is associated already bug
#73 coverage should only be shown in server mode bug
#72 after closing source diff, coverage stops working bug
#71 when debug.log is enabled running 2 solutions crashes visual studio bug
#70 when running without bootstrapper this exception can be seen bug
#69 sometimes issues and coverage do not show in server analysis bug
#68 prevent creation of multiple copies of files in source diff bug
#66 closing solution after tools(duplications, quality editor) are created causes the tools to be displayed incorrectly
#64 Standalone runner is crashing, likely missing dlls bug
#61 provide statistics and other information in grid status bar enhancement
#59 tools windows dont work as expected when closing and opening solutions
#56 Plugin manager add, remove buttons are hidden after adding loads of plugins enhancement
#54 add button to open analysis log in vs or configured editor enhancement
#52 if project is not found, status bar indicates Not Connected. Should state not associated bug
#43 provide shortcuts button to navigate between issues in editor enhancement
#42 Open in browser does not work with sonar 4.5 bug
#41 closed issues should not be queried during file server analysis enhancement
#40 closed issues should not be displayed in editor enhancemen
add debug information calls, including a new debug mode in options
#67 opened 2 days ago by jmecosta BugFix: VS2012 compliance
running analysis from solution context is not working
#65 opened 2 days ago by jmecosta BugFix: VS2012 compliance
make display index of datagrids independent between views to prevent crahses bug
#60 opened 2 days ago by jmecosta BugFix: VS2012 compliance
when connecting to server, if running with solution open then the extension should associate if association was done erlier
#58 opened 3 days ago by jmecosta BugFix: VS2012 compliance
Visual Studio Crash
#57 opened 4 days ago by goffinf BugFix: VS2012 compliance
analsyis logs not being cleared before each analysis bug
#55 opened 4 days ago by jmecosta BugFix: VS2012 compliance
Moder Ui + SqalePlugin
Standalone application
#39 #38 #37 #32 #36
Version (7/17/2014)
Bug Fix Release
#36 change diff viewer to use native vs
Version 1.3.3 (7/15/2014)
Add plugin manager
Make sure the duplications plugin works
Version 1.3.0 (7/4/2014)
Version 1.2.1 (8/6/2014)
Version 1.2 (21/5/2014)
- multi language
- support for sonar 4.2
Version 1.1.2 (26/02/2014)
- Display new issues during local analysis
- bug fixes: #20, #21 and #22
Version 1.1
- Local analysis, incremental, full and preview analysis
- Duplication plugin
- Support VS themes
- Performance improvements
- Editor improvements
Version 1.0.1
- Associaton broken when pom.xml or sonar runner properties is not found.
- add key filter to combo box
- support longer names in project keys
Version 1.0
- Control Panel
- Better visual integration with Visual Studio
- Local analysis provided by plugins
- Filter on issues
Version 0.4
- Issues window
- suport SonarQube 3.6
- Project association window
- vb.net
Version 0.3
- Support for c++, c#
- c++ local analysis
- Coverage display in editor
- Violations in editor