The Powershell Pester Test Runner Visual Studio Extension can run Pester Tests and show the code coverage. TESTSThe Powershell Tests window shows the Tests in a solution or folder and allows you to run them. Press the LOAD button to load the current tests in your solution. DETAILSDetails of tests are shown: TEST STATUSThe status of tests is shown in the editor and tests can be started using the lightbulb. The Powershell Tools are needed to support this. CODE COVERAGEThe Powershell Code coverage window give an overview of the hits and miss percentages. Code coverage is calculated automatically for -Describe tests cases that use the -CodeCoverage parameter. For example: Describe -Tags "Example" -CodeCoverage $PSScriptRoot\Add-Numbers.ps1 "Add-Numbers" { HITS AND MISSESThe sources will light up with red and green lines to show which lines were hit and which were missed. The Powershell Tools are needed to support this. OPEN THE WINDOWSOpen the windows from the View => Other Windows Open the Code Coverage or Tests windows. GHERKINGherkin feature files are loaded in and can be run from the test window. For a feature editor please download SpecFlow here. OPTIONSChange the colors in the options => Fonts and Colors Load a code coverage file and click on the folders and files to view the covered percentages or the colored source files. Powershell Pester is used to unittest Powershell scripts and it supports exporting the codecoverage data in JaCoCo format. |