RMT Snippets
A collection of Visual Basic and C# snippets:
<Snippet Name><(Shortcut)>
Assert Are Equal (aae).
Assert Are Not Equal (aane).
Assert Are Not Same (aans).
Assert Are Same (aas).
Assert Fail (af).
Assert Inconclusive (ai).
Assert Is False (aif).
Assert Is Instance Of Type (aiiot).
Assert Is Not Instance Of Type (ainiot).
Assert Is Not Null (ainn).
Assert Is Null (ain).
Assert Is True (ait).
Console Finally (confin).
Console Main (conmain).
Console WriteLine (cwl).
Console WriteLine With Format (cwlf).
Console WriteLine With Interpolated String (cwlis).
Console WriteLine With Interpolated String and Value (cwlisv).
Console WriteLine With String (cwls).
Debug WriteLine (dwl).
Debug WriteLine With Format (dwlf).
Debug WriteLine With Interpolated String (dwlis).
Debugger Display Attribute (dda).
Default Constructor (tor).
Event Pattern (eventp).
IDisposable (idis).
Insert KeyedCollectionOf(String, T) (ikcs).
INotifyPropertyChanged (inpc).
MessageBox Information (msgboxinfo).
Property Auto-Implemented (propa).
Property Auto-Implemented ReadOnly (proparo).
Property ReadOnly (propro).
Property With Backing Field (propb).
Property With PropertyChanged (propc).
Region Constant (regcon).
Region Constructors (regtors).
Region Delegates (regdel).
Region Events (regeve).
Region Fields (regfie).
Region Imports (regimp), Region Usings (regusi).
Region Insert (regins).
Region Interfaces (regint).
Region Private Methods (regpmet).
Region Properties (regpro).
Region Public Methods (regmet).
Region Shared Methods (regsmet).
Regions (regions).
Regions List (reglist).
String (strg).
SynchronizationContext (syncUI).
Throw Exception (thex).
Throw Exception With Interpolated String (thexis).
Release Notes:
Version 2.8: Added support for Visual Studio 2022. Removed support for Visual Studio 2012, 2013.
Version 2.7: Added support for Visual Studio 2019.
Version 2.6: Added support for Visual Studio 15 (Visual Studio 2017 RC).
Version 2.5: Added Assert snippets (MSTest).
Version 2.4: Changed Property with backing field (propb) (removed check for change).
Deleted Property WriteOnly (propwo) (CA1044: Properties should not be write only).
Version 2.3: Added snippet with use of interpolated string and value (VS2015 only).
Version 2.2: Added snippets with use of interpolated string (VS2015 only), added ConsoleMain snippet, added Property Auto-Implemented ReadOnly snippet, changed Exception snippet shortcut from tex to thex.
Version 2.1:Changed Event Pattern snippet, changed description in Insert Usings snippet.
Version 2.0: Fixed auto implemented property snippet in C#.
Version 1.9: Added icon.
Version 1.8: Added support for Visual Studio 2012.
Version 1.7: Added support for Visual Studio 2015 (Visual Studio 14).
Version 1.6: Added EULA, Readme and ReleaseNotes files.
Version 1.5: Removed extra ';' in Debugger Display Attribute (VB).
Version 1.4: Removed "" from Console Write Line, added Console Write Line with String.
Version 1.3: Added INotifyPropertyChanged Implementation snippet.
Version 1.2: Added C# snippets.
Version 1.1: Removed ByVal keyword.
Version 1.0: Initial.