Changes in 0.4: - Added Diff Window under the Tools menu
- Better resize handling
Note: For watch folder options can freeze for a little if in folder is big non vld report files. Parser for Visual Leak Detector Compatible with Visual Studio 2013/2015 Professional and Community Features: - Shows leaks block by block
- Shows call stack
- Opens file at line where leak occured
- History for loaded VLD report files
- Output window: Files that don't exists in VLD report file will be grayed out
- Watch Folder: Watches folder for file changes and add only valid VLD report files on list
- Leaked data window
- Diff Window: Compare old and new vld report file to see what leaks are fixed and new leaks
Rest of planned features will be added in next version. VLD parser is in View -> Other Windows Usage: Generated report txt file with Visual Leak Detector using VLDSetReportOptions function and open it in VLD Parser
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