This extension removes spaces and tabs on every line ending in the file before the document is saved.
Currently no special usage is required as plugin works on every file while the extension is active.
Further changes to add a tickbox in the menu are planned.
White spaces at the end of the lines look like bad coding, take disk space and cause often versioning problems with git, svn or mercurial. Get rid of this problem with this plugin.
Moved options to a dedicated group due to issue:
Update 1.3.3:
Breakpoints preserved on save.
Update 1.3.2:
Added support for Visual Studio 2015 (Visual Studio 14)
Cursor set to last valid column after trim operation in the current line.
Fixed the issue of adding a new line when in the last line.
Update 1.3.1a:
Scroll position is preserved on save.
added an options page under Settings -> Text Editor -> Trim on save which allows to select the desired line endings format: Windows, Unix, "VisualStudio" (use standard Environment.NewLine) or "Current" (uses the ones already encountered in the file)
Update 1.2:
Cursor position now preserved on save.
Update 1.1:
Switched to REGEXP parsing to keep EOL symbols of the file.