Welcome to ALOps, an extension for Microsoft Azure DevOps, for easily setting up build and release pipelines for AL Language Extensions, aka "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extensions".
- task: ALOpsAdminCenterAPI@1
displayName: 'ALOps AdminCenter API'
azure_tenant_id: # Azure Tenant Id. Only required for BC SaaS $(azure_tenant_id)
azure_app_client_id: # Azure AD Application Client Id. $(azure_app_client_id)
azure_app_client_secret: # Azure AD Application Client Secret. $(azure_app_client_secret)
azure_app_client_certificate: # Azure AD Application Client Certificate. $(azure_app_client_certificate)
azure_app_client_certificate_password: # Azure AD Application Client Certificate Password. $(azure_app_client_certificate_password)
username: # Business Central Username. Leave empty for Service-2-Service authentication. $(username)
password: # Business Central User Password. Leave empty for Service-2-Service authentication. $(password)
checksecondsdelay: 30 # Seconds of delay betweel deployment status checks. $(checksecondsdelay)
maxtries: 20 # Max tries for status check. $(maxtries)
interaction: environment_list # Set Interaction to use. $(interaction)
wait_for_operation: True # Wait for operation. $(wait_for_operation)
environment: # Source Environment. $(environment)
target_environment: # Target Environment. $(target_environment)
use_update_window: False # Use update window. $(use_update_window)
app_id: # App ID. $(app_id)
accept_isv_eula: False # Accept ISV Eula. $(accept_isv_eula)
force_dependencies: False # Force Dependencies. $(force_dependencies)
confirm_delete_data: False # Confirm Delete Data. $(confirm_delete_data)
ALOps Agent Maintenance
Cleanup and maintain DevOps a Agent for Business Central.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAgentMaintenance@1
displayName: 'ALOps Agent Maintenance'
removeoldtasks: False # Remove old ALOps tasks. $(removeoldtasks)
removeunusedcontainers: False # Force docker container pruning. $(removeunusedcontainers)
pruneimagesdayscreated: 0 # Force docker image pruning based on creation date (x days). $(pruneimagesdayscreated)
pruneimagesosbased: False # Prune images based on old OS. $(pruneimagesosbased)
removebcartifacts: False # Remove BC Artifacts. $(removebcartifacts)
bcartifactscachefolder: C:\bcartifacts.cache# Set non-default BC Artifact Cache folder. $(bcartifactscachefolder)
daysunused: 30 # Define date-range for cleanup BC-Artifacts. $(daysunused)
ALOps App License Check
Check App files agains a license.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppLicenseCheck@1
displayName: 'ALOps App License Check'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
licensefile: # Set the BC License File. Path or Url. $(licensefile)
artifact_path: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)# Path for App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
artifact_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(artifact_path). $(artifact_filter)
artifact_include: # Include-Filter used for locating App file relative to $(artifact_path). $(artifact_include)
artifact_exclude: # Exclude-Filter used for locating App file relative to $(artifact_path). $(artifact_exclude)
exclude_ranges: # Exclude-Ranges from LicenseCheck (Buffer / Tempory tables). Format: 60000..60099,70000..70100 $(exclude_ranges)
expiry_text: # String to find in license to match for ExpiryDate. $(expiry_text)
expiry_dateformat: # Date Format of the Expiry date, example: dd.MM.yyyy $(expiry_dateformat)
expiry_dayswarning: # Amount of days before License-Expiry for triggering a warning $(expiry_dayswarning)
exclude_tables: False # Exclude Table objects from LicenseCheck. $(exclude_tables)
exclude_codeunits: False # Exclude Codeunit objects from LicenseCheck. $(exclude_codeunits)
exclude_pages: False # Exclude Page objects from LicenseCheck. $(exclude_pages)
exclude_reports: False # Exclude Report objects from LicenseCheck. $(exclude_reports)
exclude_xmlports: False # Exclude XMLPort objects from LicenseCheck. $(exclude_xmlports)
exclude_queries: False # Exclude Query objects from LicenseCheck. $(exclude_queries)
warning_only: False # Only post warning, do not fail pipeline. $(warning_only)
pwsh: False # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps App Runtime Package
Get a NAV App runtime package for onprem deployment.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppRuntimePackage@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Runtime Package'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
nav_serverinstance: BC140 # Specifies the name of a Business Central Server instance. $(nav_serverinstance)
nav_tenant: default # Specifies the ID of a specific tenant that you want to act on, such as Tenant1. $(nav_tenant)
targetproject: ./app.json # Path of the project to export as RuntimePackage. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). $(targetproject)
appfilenametemplate: %APP_PUBLISHER%_%APP_NAME%_%APP_VERSION%_runtime.app# Template for App filename. $(appfilenametemplate)
showmycode: False # Overwrites the ShowMyCode value in the manifest. $(showmycode)
publish_artifact: True # Publish generated Runtime-App Artifact to DevOps. $(publish_artifact)
ALOps App Sign
Codesign Business Central extension with .pfx.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppSign@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Sign'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
batchsigncompiledapps: False # Batch Sign Apps taged by ALOpsAppCompile task. $(batchsigncompiledapps)
artifact_path: # Path for storing App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
nav_artifact_app_filter: *.app # Path of the App to Codesign. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). $(nav_artifact_app_filter)
pfx_path: # Path or Url of the PFX file. $(pfx_path)
timestamp_uri: # Uri of the timestamp service used during signing. $(timestamp_uri)
publish_artifact: True # Publish generated App Artifact to DevOps. $(publish_artifact)
pfx_password: # Password for the PFX File. Recommended to use Azure-KeyVault secrets. $(pfx_password)
ALOps App Sign Verify
Verify CodeSign of Business Central extension.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppSignVerify@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Sign Verify'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
artifact_path: # Path for App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
nav_artifact_app_filter: *.app # Path of the App to verify. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). $(nav_artifact_app_filter)
ALOps AppSource
Compile a Business Central extension from AL code.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppSource@1
displayName: 'ALOps AppSource'
azure_tenant_id: # Azure Tenant Id. Only required for BC SaaS $(azure_tenant_id)
azure_app_client_id: # Azure AD Application Client Id. $(azure_app_client_id)
azure_app_client_secret: # Azure AD Application Client Secret. $(azure_app_client_secret)
autopromote: False # Auto Promote AppSource App after publish. $(autopromote)
pwsh: False # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps App Test
Run Business Central Test-Suite and collect results.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppTest@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Test'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
nav_serverinstance: # Business Central Server Instance Name. $(nav_serverinstance)
tenant: default # Business Central Tenant. $(tenant)
companyname: # Business Central Company. $(companyname)
profile: # Business Central Profile. $(profile)
bc_username: # BC Username for ServiceTier connection. $(bc_username)
bc_password: # BC User Password for ServiceTier connection. $(bc_password)
bc_authentication: NavUserPassword # BC Authentication type of the ServiceTier. $(bc_authentication)
bc_webclient_url: # BC WebClient Endpoint. $(bc_webclient_url)
testfilter: # Filter codeunits to include in Test-Suite. $(testfilter)
disabledtests: # Disabled Tests File. $(disabledtests)
show_available_tests: True # Show all available tests. $(show_available_tests)
import_testtoolkit: True # Import TestToolKit FOB. $(import_testtoolkit)
import_action: Overwrite # Import Action for importing Test-Suite FOB files. $(import_action)
testpage: 130409 # Set the PageId used for testing. $(testpage)
testsuite: DEFAULT # Set target Test Suite to activate. $(testsuite)
extensionid: # Set Extension ID. $(extensionid)
installaltesttool: False # Install the AL TestTool for v15. $(installaltesttool)
failed_test_action: Warning # Action to take when a Test failed. $(failed_test_action)
override_finsql_path: # Overrule automatic detection of FinSql with fixed value. $(override_finsql_path)
resultfilename: TestResults.xml # Set filename for the Result XML. $(resultfilename)
testrunnercodeunitid: # Set the Codeunit Id for the test-runner to use. $(testrunnercodeunitid)
allow_zero_tests: False # Allow Test-App with no tests $(allow_zero_tests)
ALOps App Validation
Validate App from Business Central AppSource.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppValidation@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Validation'
license_path: # Path of the FLF license to import. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) or a downloadable Url. $(license_path)
countries: # Comma seperated array of countries to validate. When blank SupportedCountries value from AppSourceCop.json is used. $(countries)
affixes: # Comma seperated array of affixes. $(affixes)
artifact_path: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)# Path for App Artifact(s). $(artifact_path)
artifact_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(artifact_path). $(artifact_filter)
installapps_path: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)# Path for InstallApps Artifact(s). $(installapps_path)
installapps_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(installapps_path). $(installapps_filter)
previousapps_path: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)# Path for PreviousApps Artifact(s). $(previousapps_path)
previousapps_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(previousapps_path). $(previousapps_filter)
memory: 8G # Set maximum memory for Container. $(memory)
validateversion: # Full or partial version number. If specified, apps will also be validated against this version. $(validateversion)
validatecurrent: False # Validate against current version of Business Central. $(validatecurrent)
validatenextminor: False # Validate against Next Minor version of Business Central. $(validatenextminor)
validatenextmajor: False # Validate against Next Major version of Business Central. $(validatenextmajor)
sastoken: # SAS Token used to access Storage Account. $(sastoken)
skipverification: False # $(skipverification)
skipappsourcecop: False # $(skipappsourcecop)
includewarnings: False # Include this switch if you want to include Warnings. $(includewarnings)
failonerror: True # Include this switch if you want to fail on the first error instead of returning all errors to the caller. $(failonerror)
containername: bcserver # Only required when running multiple DevOps Agents on the same server. (Not recommended) $(containername)
accept_insider_eula: False # Accept Insider EULA. $(accept_insider_eula)
Run Business Central BCPT-Suite and collect results.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsBCPT@1
displayName: 'ALOps BCPT'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
export_results: False # Export BCPT Results. $(export_results)
suite_code: # BCPT Suite to run. $(suite_code)
test_runner_page: 149002 # BCPT Page to run. $(test_runner_page)
ALOps BC Replay
Run BC-Replay for Business Central.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsBCReplay@1
displayName: 'ALOps BC Replay'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
pwsh: True # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps App Cleaner
Remove all extensions from Business Central service tier.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppClean@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Cleaner'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
nav_computername: localhost # Target Business Central Server running service tier. $(nav_computername)
nav_serverinstance: BC140 # Business Central Server Instance Name. $(nav_serverinstance)
sync_mode: Add # Mode for synchronizing Business Central extensions. $(sync_mode)
includemicrosoftapps: False # Include Microsoft Apps. $(includemicrosoftapps)
ALOps App Copy
Copy Business Central extensions from one service tier to another.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppCopy@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Copy'
nav_computername: localhost # Target Business Central Server running service tier. $(nav_computername)
nav_serverinstance_source: BC140 # Source Business Central service tier to copy from. $(nav_serverinstance_source)
nav_serverinstance_target: BC140 # Target Business Central service tier to copy to. $(nav_serverinstance_target)
nav_app_storage: # Path used for temporary extension storage. $(nav_app_storage)
ALOps App Compiler
Compile a Business Central extension from AL code.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppCompiler@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Compiler'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
targetproject: ./app.json # Path of the project to compile. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). $(targetproject)
nav_computername: # Target Business Central Server running service tier. $(nav_computername)
nav_serverinstance: BC140 # Business Central Server Instance Name. $(nav_serverinstance)
nav_tenant: default # NAV Tenant used for symbols and compiling the app. $(nav_tenant)
nav_ports_dev: 7049 # NAV Port used for DEV-Service. $(nav_ports_dev)
bc_username: # BC Username for ServiceTier connection. $(bc_username)
bc_password: # BC User Password for ServiceTier connection. $(bc_password)
al_compiler_version: 0.12.15355 # AL Compiler version used for compiling. $(al_compiler_version)
ruleset: # Overrule the Ruleset from VSCode settings. Path relative to [alsourcepath] $(ruleset)
suppresswarnings: KEEP # Overrule the 'suppresswarnings' setting. $(suppresswarnings)
al_analyzer: # AL Analyzer(s) used for compiling. (Example: CodeCop,UICop) $(al_analyzer)
ignorepragmas: # Report Suppressed Diagnostics: diagnostics suppressed in source code should be emitted. $(ignorepragmas)
nav_app_version: 1.0.*.0 # Template for versioning NAV-Apps. '*' is replaced by the current Build Number. $(nav_app_version)
vsix_download_path: # Alternative VSIX download url. 'Latest' can be specified. $(vsix_download_path)
use_ssl: False # Use SSL for Business Central connections. $(use_ssl)
download_test_symbols: False # Download Test Symbols explicitly (without Test-Version reference in App.json). $(download_test_symbols)
usecompression: True # Compress Source-Folder for transfer to docker container. $(usecompression)
publish_artifact: True # Publish generated App Artifact to DevOps. $(publish_artifact)
publishxlif: False # Publish generated XLIF to DevOps. $(publishxlif)
failed_on_warnings: False # Fail task when any warning occurs. $(failed_on_warnings)
failonany: False # Fail task when any message occurs. $(failonany)
app_file_suffix: # Set a suffix tag on the compiled App filename. $(app_file_suffix)
updatebuildnumber: True # Update the Build number with the current version. $(updatebuildnumber)
setup_working_folder: False # Copy working folder to Docker container. $(setup_working_folder)
showmycode: Keep # Overrule ShowMyCode by setting other option than 'Keep'. $(showmycode)
resourceexposurepolicy_allowdebugging: Keep# Overrule allowDebugging by setting other option than 'Keep'. $(resourceexposurepolicy_allowdebugging)
resourceexposurepolicy_allowdownloadingsource: Keep# Overrule allowDownloadingSource by setting other option than 'Keep'. $(resourceexposurepolicy_allowdownloadingsource)
resourceexposurepolicy_includesourceinsymbolfile: Keep# Overrule includeSourceInSymbolFile by setting other option than 'Keep'. $(resourceexposurepolicy_includesourceinsymbolfile)
internalsvisibleto: Keep # Remove internalsVisibleTo by setting other option than 'Keep'. $(internalsvisibleto)
preprocessorsymbols: # Overwrite the preprocessorSymbols in app.json, comma seperated string. Set to 'NONE' to remove. $(preprocessorsymbols)
applicationinsightskey: # Overwrite the ApplicationInsightsKey in app.json. Set to 'NONE' to remove InsightsKey. $(applicationinsightskey)
printappmanifest: True # Print the final app.json before compile. $(printappmanifest)
output_alc_logs: True # Output ALC logs. $(output_alc_logs)
additionalprobingpaths: # Add additional Assembly probing Paths. $(additionalprobingpaths)
enable_external_rulesets: False # Enable External Rulesets. $(enable_external_rulesets)
allowed_publisher_names: # Allowed Publisher names. $(allowed_publisher_names)
allowed_publisher_names_separator: , # Allowed Publisher names Separator. $(allowed_publisher_names_separator)
ALOps Docker Create
Create Docker image based on NAV/BC Artifacts.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsDockerCreate@1
displayName: 'ALOps Docker Create'
artifactspecification: Specific # Set Artifact resolve method. $(artifactspecification)
artifactversion: # BC/NAV Version, eg: 9, 10.4, NAV2016, 16.4.24524. $(artifactversion)
artifacttype: OnPrem # Set Artifact Type. $(artifacttype)
artifactcountry: # The Country for the Artifact. $(artifactcountry)
versionselect: Latest # The version to be selected from the Artifacts. $(versionselect)
artifacthint: # . $(artifacthint)
multitenant: False # Create a Multi-Tenant image. $(multitenant)
memory: 8G # Set maximum memory for Container. $(memory)
imageprefix: myImage # New image name, tag defined by $(imagenametemplate). $(imageprefix)
dockerregistry: # Docker registry Pull/Push, example: 'bcinsider.azurecr.io', or 'repo.mydomain.com' $(dockerregistry)
dockerusername: # Docker login username. $(dockerusername)
dockerpassword: # Docker login password. $(dockerpassword)
storageaccount: # Non Default Storage Account. $(storageaccount)
sastoken: # SAS Token used to access Storage Account. $(sastoken)
forcecreateimage: False # Forces image creation, skipping Pull image. $(forcecreateimage)
myscripts: # Specify myScripts to be added to the image. $(myscripts)
imagenametemplate: %IMAGE_PREFIX%:%ARTIFACT_TYPE%-%ARTIFACT_VERSION%-%ARTIFACT_COUNTRY%-%OS_VERSION%-%OS_LTSC%# Template for defining Image names or using a fixed name $(imagenametemplate)
use_generic_image: # The base image to use for Image creation. $(use_generic_image)
licensefile: # BC License File to be included in the Image $(licensefile)
includetesttoolkit: False # Included the TestToolkit in created image. $(includetesttoolkit)
includetestlibrariesonly: False # Included only the Test-Libraries in created image. $(includetestlibrariesonly)
includetestframeworkonly: False # Included only the Test-Framework in created image. $(includetestframeworkonly)
includeperformancetoolkit: False # Include Performance-Toolkit in created image. $(includeperformancetoolkit)
accept_insider_eula: False # Accept Insider EULA. $(accept_insider_eula)
alternativeartifacturl: # Overrule the ArtifactUrl which would be determined by [artifacttype/artifactcountry/versionselect]. $(alternativeartifacturl)
ALOps Docker Execute
Execute powershell script in container.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsDockerExec@1
displayName: 'ALOps Docker Execute'
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
scriptsource: InLine # Set type for requiring the script. $(scriptsource)
script_location: # Location of the script to fetch. $(script_location)
inline_script: # Write your powershell commands here.
Write-Host "Hello World"
# Inline Powershell Script. $(inline_script)
ALOps Docker Remove
Remove Business Central docker container.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsDockerRemove@1
displayName: 'ALOps Docker Remove'
usedocker: True # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
print_logs: True # Print all container logs before remove. $(print_logs)
createeventlogbackup: disabled # Create EventLog Backup from Container. $(createeventlogbackup)
createsqlbackup: disabled # Create SQL Backup from Container Database. $(createsqlbackup)
publishsqlbackup: True # Published the SQL Backup as Build-Artifact. $(publishsqlbackup)
sqlcompression: False # Create Compressed SQL Backup (does not work on SQL-Express). $(sqlcompression)
zipsqlbackup: True # ZIP the SQL Backup. $(zipsqlbackup)
ALOps Docker Start
Start Business Central docker container.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsDockerStart@1
displayName: 'ALOps Docker Start'
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
ignore_no_container_warning: False # Do not trigger warning when container with [fixed_tag] is not found. $(ignore_no_container_warning)
docker_image: $(ALOPS_BC_IMAGE) # Business Central docker Image to Start. $(docker_image)
accept_image_eula: True # Accept Eula of docker image. $(accept_image_eula)
accept_image_outdated: True # Accept Outdated image. $(accept_image_outdated)
enable_symbol_loading: False # Enable Symbol Loading. $(enable_symbol_loading)
enable_api_services: False # Enable API Services. $(enable_api_services)
multitenant: False # Create a Multi-Tenant container. $(multitenant)
docker_pull: True # Force Pull docker image. $(docker_pull)
dockerauthentication: None # Set authentication Method to use. $(dockerauthentication)
docker_login: # Select the generic login to use for docker. If needed, click on 'manage', and add a new Service Endpoint of type 'Generic' $(docker_login)
docker_username: # Docker login username. $(docker_username)
docker_password: # Docker login password. $(docker_password)
docker_registry: # Docker registry for login, example: 'bcinsider.azurecr.io' $(docker_registry)
memory_gb: -1 # Set maximum memory for container in GB. $(memory_gb)
container_restart: no # Set docker container restart preference. $(container_restart)
licensefile: # Set the BC License File. Path or Url. $(licensefile)
docker_parameters: # Specify additional docker parameters. $(docker_parameters)
sql_server: # External SQL Server. $(sql_server)
sql_server_instance: # External SQL Server Instance. $(sql_server_instance)
sql_database: # External SQL Database. $(sql_database)
sql_database_user: # External SQL Database User. $(sql_database_user)
sql_database_user_password: # External SQL Database Password. $(sql_database_user_password)
sql_backup_file: # Restore BAK file on startup. $(sql_backup_file)
encryption_key: # Encryption key for Service Tier. $(encryption_key)
taskscheduler: Keep # Overrule EnableTaskScheduler by setting other option than 'Keep'. $(taskscheduler)
ALOps Docker Wait
Wait until the Business Central container is started.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsDockerWait@1
displayName: 'ALOps Docker Wait'
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
search_string: Ready for connections! # String to match in Docker Logs and return. $(search_string)
warning_string: # Show as Warning when the container logs contain the warning string. $(warning_string)
error_string: # Throw error when the container logs contain the error string. $(error_string)
setup_working_folder: True # Copy working folder to Docker container. $(setup_working_folder)
usecompression: True # Compress Source-Folder for transfer to docker container. $(usecompression)
printlogs: True # Print all container logs. $(printlogs)
exclude_git_folder: False # Exclude .git Folder $(exclude_git_folder)
ALOps Extension API
Get/Publish extensions with the Business Central API.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsExtensionAPI@1
displayName: 'ALOps Extension API'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
interaction: get # Set Interaction Method to use. (Get/Publish/Batch Publish). $(interaction)
api_endpoint: https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/$(azure_tenant_id)/Sandbox/api# Set API Endpoint. (protocol://host:port/serverinstance/api) $(api_endpoint)
dev_endpoint: # Set DEV Endpoint. (protocol://host:port/serverinstance/dev) $(dev_endpoint)
dev_schemeupdatemode: synchronize # Set Schema Update Mode to use with DEVPort deploy. (synchronize/recreate/forcesync) $(dev_schemeupdatemode)
dev_dependencypublishingoption: none # Set Dependency Publishing Option for DEV Endpoint. $(dev_dependencypublishingoption)
apiversion: v1.0 # Version of the API to use (beta / v1.0 / v2.0) $(apiversion)
authentication: oauth # Set authentication Method to use. Default [Windows]. $(authentication)
azure_tenant_id: # Azure Tenant Id. Only required for BC SaaS $(azure_tenant_id)
azure_app_client_id: # Azure AD Application Client Id. $(azure_app_client_id)
azure_app_client_secret: # Azure AD Application Client Secret. $(azure_app_client_secret)
azure_app_client_certificate: # Azure AD Application Client Certificate. $(azure_app_client_certificate)
azure_app_client_certificate_password: # Azure AD Application Client Certificate Password. $(azure_app_client_certificate_password)
username: # Business Central Username. Leave empty for Service-2-Service authentication. $(username)
password: # Business Central User Password. Leave empty for Service-2-Service authentication. $(password)
bccompany: # Business Central Company (Id or Name). $(bccompany)
artifact_path: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)# Path for App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
artifact_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(path_to_publish). $(artifact_filter)
showdeploymentstatus: True # Show Extension Deployment Status. $(showdeploymentstatus)
vsix_only: False # Only use VSIX, do not use BC-Artifacts. $(vsix_only)
checksecondsdelay: 30 # Seconds of delay betweel deployment status checks. $(checksecondsdelay)
maxtries: 20 # Max tries for status check. $(maxtries)
replacepackageid: False # Force a new PackageID for each deployment. $(replacepackageid)
blocksymbolsonly: False # Check App, block if SymbolsOnly App. $(blocksymbolsonly)
schedule: current # Set the Schedule. Requires API Version 2.0 $(schedule)
schema_sync_mode: add # Set the Schema Update Mode. Requires API Version 2.0 $(schema_sync_mode)
pwsh: False # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps Import FOB
Import objects from .FOB file.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsFobImport@1
displayName: 'ALOps Import FOB'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
nav_serverinstance: BC140 # Business Central Server Instance Name. $(nav_serverinstance)
filePath: # Path of the FOB to import. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). $(filePath)
import_action: Default # Import action for importing FOB files. $(import_action)
synchronize_schema_changes: Yes # Synchronize Schema Changes setting for importing FOB files. $(synchronize_schema_changes)
generate_symbol_reference: False # Enable Generate Symbol References. $(generate_symbol_reference)
force_full_generate_symbol_reference: False# Generate Symbol Reference for All Objects. $(force_full_generate_symbol_reference)
override_finsql_path: # Overrule automatic detection of FinSql with fixed value. $(override_finsql_path)
ALOps Info
Print information about ALOps and executing host.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsInfo@1
displayName: 'ALOps Info'
scanforsymbolonlyapps: Disabled # Scan for SymbolOnly Apps. $(scanforsymbolonlyapps)
pwsh: False # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps License Import
Import Business Central license (.flf).
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsLicenseImport@1
displayName: 'ALOps License Import'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
nav_serverinstance: BC140 # Business Central Server Instance Name. $(nav_serverinstance)
license_path: # Path of the FLF license to import. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) or a downloadable Url. $(license_path)
remove_license_file: True # Remove license file after import. $(remove_license_file)
print_license_info: False # Set if License is printed into the pipeline. $(print_license_info)
license_scope: Default # Set the scope for license upload. $(license_scope)
Generate OpenAPI descriptions from Business Central API's.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsOpenAPI@1
displayName: 'ALOps OpenAPI'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
api_endpoint: https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/$(azure_tenant_id)/Sandbox/api# Set API Endpoint. (protocol://host:port/serverinstance/api) $(api_endpoint)
authentication: oauth # Set authentication Method to use. Default [Windows]. $(authentication)
azure_tenant_id: # Azure Tenant Id. Only required for BC SaaS $(azure_tenant_id)
azure_app_client_id: # Azure AD Application Client Id. $(azure_app_client_id)
azure_app_client_secret: # Azure AD Application Client Secret. $(azure_app_client_secret)
azure_app_client_certificate: # Azure AD Application Client Certificate. $(azure_app_client_certificate)
azure_app_client_certificate_password: # Azure AD Application Client Certificate Password. $(azure_app_client_certificate_password)
username: # Business Central Username. Leave empty for Service-2-Service authentication. $(username)
password: # Business Central User Password. Leave empty for Service-2-Service authentication. $(password)
publish_artifacts: True # Publish results as Artifacts. $(publish_artifacts)
discover: True # Discover available API routes. $(discover)
api_routes: # Specify API Routes to convert. Multiline or '|' seperated. $(api_routes)
api_exclude_routes: # Specify API Routes to exclude from discovery. Multiline or '|' seperated. $(api_exclude_routes)
inspect_paths: False # Print all available Paths per Route. $(inspect_paths)
api_servers: # Specify available servers for OpenAPI. Multiline or '|' seperated. $(api_servers)
export_edmx: False # Export original API EDMX. $(export_edmx)
export_yaml: True # Export API in YAML format. $(export_yaml)
export_json: False # Export API in JSON format. $(export_json)
exclude_company_paths: False # Exclude Company Paths. $(exclude_company_paths)
ALOps Package Import
Import and Process RapidStart/Configuration Package
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsPackageImport@1
displayName: 'ALOps Package Import'
usedocker: True # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
company_name: # Company name for Package import. $(company_name)
ALOps App Publish
Publish Business Central extension to service tier.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsAppPublish@1
displayName: 'ALOps App Publish'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
installpublishedapps: True # Install Published Applications. $(installpublishedapps)
installaltesttool: False # Install the AL TestTool for v15. $(installaltesttool)
install_al_app_names: Tests-TestLibraries
System Application Test
System Application Test Library
Library Assert
Test Runner
# Specify additional docker parameters. $(install_al_app_names)
strictappnames: False # Only install Specified Apps. $(strictappnames)
nav_serverinstance: BC140 # Business Central Server Instance Name. $(nav_serverinstance)
artifact_path: # Path for storing App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
nav_artifact_app_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(path_to_publish). $(nav_artifact_app_filter)
skip_verification: True # Skip CodeSign Verification of Business Central App. $(skip_verification)
forceinstall: False # Always install Apps regards of current state. $(forceinstall)
forcesync: False # Sets the Sync-Mode to Force, enables pushing breaking changes. $(forcesync)
publish_scope: Global # Set the scope for publishing extensions. $(publish_scope)
tenant: default # Tenant to publish to when Scope is set to Tenant. $(tenant)
batch_publish_folder: # Path containing Apps to publish. $(batch_publish_folder)
publisherazureactivedirectorytenantid: # Publisher Azure AD TenantId. $(publisherazureactivedirectorytenantid)
blocksymbolsonly: False # Check App, block if SymbolsOnly App. $(blocksymbolsonly)
pwsh: False # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps Repository Publish Extension
Publish extension to ALOps Repository.
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsRepositoryPublish@1
displayName: 'ALOps Repository Publish Extension'
usedocker: False # Run task in Docker container. $(usedocker)
fixed_tag: # Allows recycling of docker containers. $(fixed_tag)
alops_repository_endpoint: api.businesscentral.dynamics.com# Azure API Endpoint. $(alops_repository_endpoint)
alops_repository_username: # Username for ALOps API Endpoint. $(alops_repository_username)
alops_repository_password: # Password for ALOps API Endpoint. $(alops_repository_password)
artifact_path: # Path for App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
app_artifact_filter: *.app # Path of the App to publish. Must be a fully qualified path or relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). $(app_artifact_filter)
upload_c_applications: False # Upload Applications from Applications folder. $(upload_c_applications)
pwsh: False # Run task in Powershell Core. $(pwsh)
ALOps SaaS Get Extensions
Replaced by Task [ALOps Extension API]
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsSaaSGetExtensions@1
displayName: 'ALOps SaaS Get Extensions'
azure_api_endpoint: api.businesscentral.dynamics.com# Azure API Endpoint. $(azure_api_endpoint)
azure_api_version: v2.0 # Azure API Endpoint version. $(azure_api_version)
azure_tenant_id: # Azure Tenant Id. $(azure_tenant_id)
azure_app_client_id: # Azure AD Application Client Id. $(azure_app_client_id)
azure_app_client_secret: # Azure AD Application Client Secret. $(azure_app_client_secret)
bc_impersonate_user: # Business Central User to impersonate. $(bc_impersonate_user)
bc_impersonate_password: # Business Central User Password to impersonate. $(bc_impersonate_password)
bc_environment: sandbox # Business Central environment to publish extension on. $(bc_environment)
bc_companyname: # Business Central Company. $(bc_companyname)
ALOps SaaS Publish Extension
Replaced by Task [ALOps Extension API]
YAML Template:
- task: ALOpsSaaSPublishExtension@1
displayName: 'ALOps SaaS Publish Extension'
azure_api_endpoint: api.businesscentral.dynamics.com# Azure API Endpoint. $(azure_api_endpoint)
azure_api_version: v2.0 # Azure API Endpoint version. $(azure_api_version)
azure_tenant_id: # Azure Tenant Id. $(azure_tenant_id)
azure_app_client_id: # Azure AD Application Client Id. $(azure_app_client_id)
azure_app_client_secret: # Azure AD Application Client Secret. $(azure_app_client_secret)
bc_impersonate_user: # Business Central User to impersonate. $(bc_impersonate_user)
bc_impersonate_password: # Business Central User Password to impersonate. $(bc_impersonate_password)
bc_environment: sandbox # Business Central environment to publish extension on. $(bc_environment)
bc_companyname: # Business Central Company. $(bc_companyname)
artifact_path: # Path for App Artifact. $(artifact_path)
app_artifact_filter: *.app # Filter used for locating App file relative to $(path_to_publish). $(app_artifact_filter)
More Information about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Here is some more information about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central