We are proud to present GTP.NET.SL 1.0: GTP.NET.SL is a component package for Silverlight & WPF. The components help you with time visualization and interaction. GTP.NET.SL contains a fully interactive Gantt chart and a fully interactive Schedule chart. GTP.NET.SL is runtime license free. Our clients are situated around the world and build applications that display time based information with all the existing UI metaphors; ASP.NET, WindowsForms, Silverlight and WPF. The information displayed are airplane landings, sattelite transmission hand over, carpet production, Oil-search and prospecting weather windows, power plant maintaince intervals, car rentals, military exercise planning, RORO-Ship loading planning, project planning for all walks of business. Data is taken from databases of all brands as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and many more. Data is provided either by datasets or by domain layer objects and bound directly to the plexityHide components. The success we have had with these components over the last 10 years comes from our dedication to build flexible and generic components. But our biggest advantage is that we listen to our clients - we are fast. If you have an idea and you want it to be part of our components you just tell us about it and we give you a price for adding it. Fixed price with product life span maintenance. We call this user paid for extensions - and many of our features started that way. Unlike other Gantt charts our components never force you into a specific scheme or idea on what your data represents. We leave that to your business logic - a UI component should do what it is told and should not have an ego. This way we can promise you that we will be able to display your time based data; no matter what it represents; no matter where it is stored; no matter where you want to show it; no matter how you want to deliver it - and it goes two ways - you can allow for change of data and store it back to your servers (we understand and have anticipated your complete need for control). Flipping a Gantt chart over makes it a Schedule - in our components for .net you can just as easily display everything in Schedule mode. Now display your roosters and resource planners they way people wants to see them.