This extension help you to save your changes as you make them without having to type Ctrl-S. The time delay is currently set to 5 seconds. Only exception is when the last added character was period[.].
The file also gets saved if it loses focus.
The time delay can be configu...
This extension help you to save your changes as you make them without having to type Ctrl-S. The time delay is currently set to 5 seconds. Only exception is when the last added character was period[.].
The file also gets saved if it loses focus.
Configurable options
To configure the settings, go to Tools>Options>Auto Save File
Excluded File Types - If you want to exclude some files from auto-saving, you can configure the settings in Options panel. Supply a list of comma-separated file extensions such as 'vb,json,config'.
Time Delay - The time delay can be configured from the options panel.