Free ASP.NET Core 5 / Angular 11 startup project template with complete login, user and role management. Plus other useful services for Smart Application Development
A startup Angular 11 / ASP.NET Core 5 (cross-platform ) project template with an end-to-end login, user and role management implementation. As well as other common functionalities for Smart Application Development.
This application consists of:
Template pages using Angular11 and TypeScript
RESTful API Backend using ASP.NET Core MVC Web API
Database using Entity Framework Core
Authentication based on OpenID Connect
API Documentation using Swagger
Angular CLI for managing client-side libraries
Theming using Bootstrap 4
You get the benefits of:
A complete backend and frontend project structure to build on, with login, user and permission-based role management already integrated
Data Access Layer built with the Repository and Unit of Work Pattern
Code First Database
A RESTful API Design
Angular Directives Quidance
Angular Pipes Quidance
Angular Animations Quidance
Angular Services
Dialog and Notification Services
Configuration Page and Configuration Service
Integrated Internationalization
Theming with SASS
Ready-to-use email API
Handling Access and Refresh Tokens with WebStorage (Bearer authentication) - No Cookies
Jquery Integration (Ability to use standard Jquery libraries)
Responsive Design
[OPTION 1] Clone the Git Repository and edit with your favorite editor. e.g. Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code
[OPTION 2] Install Project template from the Visual Studio Gallery and follow the usual File -> New Project -> Web -> SmartApp - to create a new Project from this template. Launch with F5 or Ctrl+F5 (The usual way)
Installation Notes
When creating a new project please wait for all dependencies to be restored; "dotnet restore" for project & "npm install" for angular project.
When using VisualStudio this is automatic, check the output window or status bar to know that the package/dependencies restore process is complete before launching your program for the first time.
If you get any errors, consider running manually the steps to build the project and note where the errors occur.
Open command prompt and do the below steps:
run 'dotnet restore' from the two project folders - Restore nuget packages
run 'npm install' from the project with package.json - Restore npm packages
Try running the application again - Test to make sure it all works
When running the client(angular) project on a different address/domain from the backend, configure the baseUrl of the client to match that of the server.
You do this from environment.ts in the ClientApp/Angular project.
Example: baseUrl: "" OR baseUrl: "http://localhost:5050