A New Developer can take anywhere from 8 hours upto few days to Integrate a 3rd Party Bootstrap UI with ASP.NET Core. A Senior Developer may take anywhere from 4-6 hours in doing the same. With this E
A New Developer can take anywhere from 8 hours upto few days to Integrate a 3rd Party Bootstrap UI with ASP.NET Core.
A Senior Developer may take anywhere from 4-6 hours in doing the same.
With this Extension, the only GOAL is to dramatically reduce these long hours of development.
Visual Studio 2019 Community and above
.NET Core 3.1 SDK and above
[x] ASP.NET Core 3.1
[x] Razor Pages
[x] Authentication with Microsoft Identity
[x] Custom User Model with Extended Properties like First Name, Last Name
[x] Profile Picture
[x] Advanced User and Role Management Module
[ ] Serilog
[x] Notifications
[ ] File Upload
[x] Mail Service
Getting Started
To use this template,
Download the extension and Install it.
Open up Visual Studio 2019 and Click on Create New Project
Search for CoreAdminLTE. You can find the newly installed Project Template. Click on it and Press Create.
Once Visual Studio is done creating your new Project, Navigate to appsettings.json and change the Connection String to your preferred one.
In the Package Manage Console, Apply Migrations by typing in update-database. This updates your Database.
Finally Run the Application.
By default, the application creates 2 users for you during runtime, a Superadmin and a Basic user.
Default SuperAdmin Credentials – superadmin@gmail.com / 123Pa$$word.
Default Basic User Credentials – basic@gmail.com / 123Pa$$word.