NetCOBOL for .NET is a compiler created specifically for the Microsoft .NET environment and produces code that executes under the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This language-neutral, platform-independent environment lets you mix modern languages like C# and VB.NET on any .NET-compatible hardware and in the Windows® Azure™ cloud. NetCOBOL for .NET provides exciting opportunities to port mainframe and midrange Cobol applications to the PC. It also allows you to leverage GT Software products such as NeoKicks, NeoBatch and NeoData to make projects more productive and cost effective by providing the ability to modernize-as-you-migrate from the mainframe. You can port applications to integrate them with other .NET languages which provides exciting new opportunities for your Cobol applications. Also, creating XML Web services with Cobol has never been easier! Highlights
Full details can be found on the NetCOBOL.Net product page |