FeinWindows ™ version 2.0 - windows navigator for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015 FeinWindows ™ is a replacement windows navigator. It is accessible from the "WINDOW | FeinWindows" menu. FeinWindows adds ability to work with the long file and directory names by providing resizable toolwindow. As any toolwindow, it could be docked anywhere in the Studio. NEW in version 2.0.5 - FeinWindows will use Environment Font specified in Tools/Options. Additional features include "Type" column, "Time" column (last modification time), "Dirty" column to indicate whether the document is modified and "R/O" column for ReadOnly documents. You can sort list of documents on any column, and the sorting order is indicated by up or down arrow in the column header. FeinWindows command is inserted into the WINDOW menu above the list of all open windows and can be accessed by Alt+Shift+W shortcut. FeinWindows provides the toolbar for easy access to its command: The following commands are available: