This Find shelveset extension provides a better search experience than the Visual Studio by default and an easier person selection mode. It adds auto-complete functionality to the textbox in Find shelveset window. Features
Quick startedStart to write a name in the textbox. Press left or right CTRL. It triggers a TFS query and the result appears in the list. You can use down (and up) arrow(s) button or the mouse for user selection. If you choose an item and press the enter button or click with mouse, this extension copies the username to the original textbox and triggers shelveset searching. Also the selected user is added to the local user storage. Next time when you start to write a name, the extension creates and shows a filtered result from the local user storage (without TFS query), but if you want to extend your search to the whole TFS query, just press left or right CTRL again. The local and TFS searching works in the same way. If you choose an item and press the DEL button or click with middle mouse button, this extension removes the selected username from the local user storage. |