Extension provide T-SQL analysis to let programmer write better SQL code. It allows to recognize some bad practices in SQL code and shows them to programmer. There are implemented followed features:
Extension shows there is commented SQL code and this code should be removed.
Extension detects DELETE or UPDATE command without WHERE. It could be dangerous remove or change data without condition.
Right way how to compare NULL value is to use IS NULL compare. Extension can recognize when NULL is compared by equal (=) operator.
All columns in SELECT clause should be defined. You should prevent use * symbol to return all columns.
Extension can warn when variable is assigned to self.
Extension shows TODO tag in comments.
When you use SELECT TOP without ORDER BY, random result can be returned.
Extension checks if all variables and parameters are used or not.
Extension shows when FETCH variable count doesn't match to column count in DECLARE CURSOR SELECT.
All objects should have schema prefix.
All issues are shown as warning in Visual Studio editor. Extension can be useful when you have many code in SQL that you want to improve or refactor.
In next version next rule will be implemented.
If you have some nice rule which you want to implement, you can contribute on github source repository.