This extension provides extensibility to work with comments in C#. There are warning messages when you have type or member without comment. You can generate comment by code fix on click. Extension check all parameters and exception. For each parameter or exception type is xml comment generated. When you change your method and you add new parameter there is warning that some parameter missing in comment and you can add them by click on code fix action. There are some checks when there is return comment on void return method type, or if exception is commented when your code throw exceptions. Similarly if your code doesn't throw exception and there is comment on method, or there is void return type and there is return in comment you will see some warning messages. You can use code fix action to fix member comment. 1.2 Inheritdoc support was added. Properties documentation was fixed. 1.3 Add see tag on parameters and return types. Improve asynchronous diagnostic. Improve throw statement diagnostic. 1.4 There was bug which can erase leading trivia when new comment was added. There was bug when interface inheritance Enjoy comments! |