Build and deploy with one click directly from Visual Studio to various nuget feeds in different environments, it also runs your publish profile automatically!
Right click on any .csproj file from within Visual Studio's solution explorer, and a new button is displayed: Nuget Project Manager.
Develop against your own local nuget packages with ease
NOTE: This was only a Proof of Concept
We will start rewriting and restructuring it
GUI will remain the same, but execution of tools like MsTest, VsTest, dotnet and MsBuild will be within PowerShell instead of Batch
We will start implementing this from "ground up" today: 02.12.2018...
Futuristic Vision
Replaces need of Jenkins/TeamCity/TFS/VSTS/... to create nuget packages
Easily install Visual Studio + this extension to automatically build whenever someone commits to whatever branch
Easily sit with multiple repo's where each repo is a nuget package, and build them locally. Where your main application (web or app) targets your various local nuget packages, which helps in keeping your main app clean and maintainable. And you easily have packages that can be reused for various other applications/api's...
Latest release changes
Fixed exception which occured right away for core/standard projects
Initial try of calling MsTest/VsTest (its a mess, because? Microsoft.. :) )
Tested with project types on .NET 4.7 or higher
Web App
Console App
Class Library
WinForm App.
Class Library
Class Library
Coming soon...
In the following order:
Complete rewrite into seperate modules of powershell, instead of batch (from "ground up")
A better logging system
Rewriting output system into event listeners to update GUI output box
More tests for various projects and combinations of settings, to ease the pain of debugging and fixing bugs
Module which downloads code from VCS, builds and publishes to a nuget feed (as a service of some sort...)
Registering .exe as a tool in VS commands "prompt" (or envionrment path, we will see...) so .exe can be targetted easily by NugetProjectManager -params..."
Deployment to Octopus needs to be tested and verified (hopefully Octopus takes a normal nupkg too, today, not the so called "octopack")
Updating doc/readme/guide on youtube on tips and tricks around this tool
Better support on Core/Standard projects
UPDATE: The rewriting of this was almost done in January, but since then I have not had time to do anything with it (not earning money from it, means... cannot do it. :)) So; this project is "dead" unless someone really wants me to finish it off