Firebase App Distribution This document provides an overview of Firebase App Distribution and the required inputs for distributing pre-release versions of your app to testers. Description: Firebase App Distribution simplifies distributing your apps to trusted testers. It expedites getting your app onto testers' devices, allowing you to gather early and frequent feedback. Additionally, if you leverage Crashlytics within your apps, you'll automatically obtain stability metrics for all your builds, empowering you to make informed decisions before pushing to production. Required Inputs: Private Key File Path: Enter the complete path to the private key file obtained by completing the "Download secure file" task. Binary file path: Specify the path to the file you intend to upload (supported formats include _.ipa, _.apk, *.aab, etc.). Wildcard patterns are permissible. App ID: Locate your App ID within the Firebase console's General Settings page. Refer to the documentation for detailed instructions: See here: Tester Groups: Designate the tester groups that should have access to the app. Separate multiple groups using commas. Release Notes (Optional): You have the option to include release notes for this specific app version. By providing this information, you can effectively distribute pre-release versions of your app to your designated testers through Firebase App Distribution. |