V1.4 Updated for Visual Studio 2019 RC V1.3 Updated for Visual Studio 2017 RC V1.2 Updated for Visual Studio 2015 V1.1 Time remaining now shown over running pomodoro on mouse-over. UPDATE : Bug fix for issues with empty settings. A Pomodoro timer serves to break a length of time up into small chunks of work surrounding smaller chunks of rest time. This is a well known phycological trick that will help keep a higher average attention level. It also helps as a reminder to relieve physical tention to prevent back, neck, and wrist problems which can occur during long periods of coding. This pomodoro extension provides Visual Studio with its own built-in timer: click the pomodoro (tomato) to start, click the time display to stop. Simple as that. Options allow configuration of timer durations and even of the colours to show in the countdown display. Happy Coding & Happy Pomodoro.