Update: Version 3.0 now supports XAML, Razor and ASPX! Resource Refactoring Tool was originally contributed onCodePlex. Visit Resource Refactoring Tool 2010 at CodePlex. Do you have an idea how to improve this tool?Contribute! Resource Refactoring Tool provides developers an easy way to extract hard-coded strings from the code to resource files. Features for Resource Refactoring Tool
To see full feature set and usage instructions visitResource Refactoring Tool homepage. I'm not original developer of the tool but I use it intensivelly and we've added several new features to it. It seems that original developer (microsoft) has no intention of upgrading this tool for Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 So, this fork. Original Resource Refactoring Tool was published underMicrosoft Public License (Ms-PL), I hope I do not violate it by republishing it here. As I undertand it Ms-PL requires derived work to be licensed under Ms-PL as well, so this Resource Refactoring Tool 2010 is licensed under Ms-PL. New in version 3.0
New in version 2.1: