OverviewThis tool integrates The Catalog NoSQL Database System into Visual Studio 2017. Therefore in design time you are able to create, manage and monitor The Catalog instances. Main features:
Configuring The Catalog InstancesThe toolkit integrates the process of creating The Catalog instances from within Visual Studio 2017. The same configuration opportunities can be found under "Configure Instances" window as in The Catalog R2. The top menu buttons from left to right respresent the opportunities detailed down below: Add new instance ("+" sign)Creation of new instances starts with this step. Clicking on "Add new instance" button a dialog window appears. There we can add a name to this DB instance and a desired path. Applying changes the newly created instance will appear in the list. Selecting it the following options will be activated: Default settingsHere we can edit all the technical parameters of a selected instance (only if it is stopped). The same as the "Default settings" tab of The Catalog R2. MirroringHere we can add, edit or remove mirroring paths. The same as the "Mirroring" tab of The Catalog R2. IP FilterHere we can add, edit or remove IP adresses which are enbaled to access the DB. The same as the "IP Filter" tab of The Catalog R2. Remove selected instance ("-" sign)Removes a selected DB instance. Install selected instance ("floppy" sign)Installs a selected DB instance if all the deafult parameters are filled correctly and saved. Visual Studio must run elevated. Uninstall selected instance ("bin" sign)Uninstalls a selected DB instance. Visual Studio must run elevated. Start instance ("play" sign)Starts a selected DB instance service. Visual Studio must run elevated. Stop instance ("stop" sign)Stops a selected DB instance service. Visual Studio must run elevated. Save changes ("tick" sign)Saves configuration changes. Discard changes ("x" sign)Reloads the most recent configuration. Refresh states ("reload" sign)Reloads all configurations and running instances's service states. Managing The Catalog InstancesThe toolkit integrates the opportunity to manage The Catalog Instances created within Visual Studio 2017 as well as remote instances. Functionalities are similar to the "View" tab in The Catalog Manager (CatManager). The only difference is that the context menu (inside CatManager) has been partly recategorized and moved to a menu bar. Instance Manager ConsoleThe CLI part of The Catalog Manager (CatManager). Works exactly the same. Event MonitorSimilar to "EMO". Monitors events, creates a runtime log mostly for informational purposes. Especially useful during developement. |