This is V2 of the ReferencesResolverExtension which uses async logic in order to be supported by Visual Studio 2022 and above. For older versions of Visual Studio refer to the older version of this extension which can be found in the marketplace without the V2 suffix.
A few words about how to use this tool:
The tool can be found in Tools -> Resolve References.
The tool can also be found in the context menu when you right-click on some Project in Solution Explorer.
The tool basically works with a set of commands.
Using "Resolve References Commands Settings" you can easily create, modify or delete commands.
Each command defines references that should be replaced and references that must be included (which means that they will be added even if there are no existing references in the project with the same name to be replaced).
Once you create, modify or delete command you must press the "Save changes" button in order to preserve the changes.
Once a command is created you can execute it onto some VS project either through the settings panel or through the "Resolve references" window.
Executing a command replaces the existing references with the ones specified to replace and adds the references that must be included.