NHibernate Mapping Samples is a collection of 50 NHibernate mapping sample Visual Studio projects, which demonstrate XML and Fluent mapping of the most widely-used NHibernate mapping cases and the use of these mapping cases. NHibernate Mapping Samples application provides convenient access to the samples, allowing you to browse and study mapping cases, view mapping and code of the mapped classes, open sample projects in Visual Studio, or view NHibernate documentation about the selected mapping case.
NHibernate Mapping Samples application does not require any third-party tools except for the .NET Framework. Simply launch the application and explore our NHibernate mapping samples. You can study the classes and mapping in the application window or open a Visual Studio project for each sample to check how it works in a real application. Database creation script is available for each sample. You can also easily access NHibernate documentation page relevant to the opened sample. If you have Entity Developer, you may also open Entity Developer models that were used for generating mapping and classes for samples.
Each of the samples is a complete separate Visual Studio project that demonstrates the implementation and usage of the mapping. You can open them in Visual Studio and study how they work. You can build and debug them to study how they work on the run, view results they return, or even modify them to study how to apply such mapping case in your projects. SQLite is used as a database for the samples, and dotConnect for SQLite is used to access the database. You don’t need to install any additional software, the samples contains all the necessary files to be compiled and run. However you may download the trial edition of Entity Developer to view or edit mapping visually.
List of the samples
- Associations
- One-to-Many(Collection mappings)
- Simple One-to-Many (tags used: , , , )
- Simple ZeroOrOne-to-Many (tags used: , , )
- Unique Key (tags used: , , ; property-ref attribute of the tag)
- Composite Identifier (tags used: , , )
- Component Identifier (tags used: , , class attribute of the tag)
- Component Unique Key (tags used: , , , property-ref attribute of the tag)
- Join Tables (tags used: )
- Order By (order-by attribute of the tag, ,
- Where (where attribute of the tag, ,
- Filter (tags used: , , )
- Collection Of Components (tags used: )
- Collection Types
- Set (tags used: )
- Bag (tags used: )
- Map (tags used:
- Map With Complex Index (tags used
- List (tags used: , )
- Array (tags used , )
- One-To-One
- Simple One-to-One (tags used: )
- Component Identifier (tags used: , )
- Unique Foreign Key (property-ref attribute of the tag и tags used: )
- Composite Unique Foreign Key (tags used: ; property-ref attribute of the ; )
- Many-to-Many
- Simple Many-to-Many (tags used: )
- Composite Identifier (tags used: , )
- Unique Keys (property-ref attribute of the tag; property-ref attribute of the tag)
- Component Unique Keys (tags used: ; property-ref attribute of the tag; property-ref attribute of the tag)
- Extra Columns Component (tags used: , )
- Entity Index Map (tags used:
- IdBag Collection (tags used: , , )
- Components
- Component Properties (tags used: , )
- Embeded Components (tags used , )
- Composite Identifier (tags used: )
- Navigation properties
- Many-to-one (tags used: , )
- Many-to-many (tags used: , )
- Inheritances
- Table Per Hierarchy (tags used: , )
- Table Per Type (tags used: )
- Table Per Concrete Class (tags used: )
- Named SQL Query
- Without Result (tags used: , )
- Scalar Result (tags used: , )
- Entity Result (tags used: , , , )
- Complex Type Result (tags used: , , , )
- Execute Stored Function (tags used: and its attribute callable; )
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