ASP.NET HTML Editor with Microsoft Office style UI and integrated spell checker. With this control, you can embed a rich text editor into your web pages and provide WYSIWIG or HTML code editing.
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The ASPxHTMLEditor Suite allows you to deliver web applications with rich text editing functionality. Regardless of the solution you need to build – be it a blog editor, email client or simply exchanging formatted documents within your company - you simply drop the control onto a form and instantly have access to a text editor with an intuitive user interface that resembles Microsoft® Word (with similar toolbars and the same keyboard shortcuts).
In addition to being a WYSIWYG editor, the ASPxHTMLEditor control supports HTML input. You don't have to choose which input method to use, because the control provides automatic two-way synchronization between the visual editor and HTML code. End-users can switch to the code view and edit documents by manually controlling every tag and attribute. This allows them to use even those tags that aren't currently supported by the visual editor. At any time, they can switch back and forth to use the view that best suits their current editing requirements. Once editing has been completed, you instantly obtain HTML code to be published online.
To ensure superior performance, the editor initially generates the least amount of code required for its functionality on the client. When end-users need additional elements, such as popup windows for image or hyperlink management, these elements are loaded via AJAX callbacks. Callbacks are also used by default for all other actions that require communication with the server.