NOTE: This extension works with Visual Studio 2019 (and previous Visual Studio versions). You can download a CodeRush version compatible with Visual Studio 2022 here. Download your free copy today!DevExpress CodeRush is available free-of-charge. Register for your free copy at CodeRush Feature OverviewCode Generation & TypingCreate new code more efficiently with CodeRush's intelligent code generation. Declare members in a single keypress. Surround code with try/catch or using blocks (again, in a single keypress).
Learn more about Code Generation & Typing Code Refactoring & TransformationWith over 100 refactorings and intelligent code providers, CodeRush delivers the power you need to easily change code, improving readability and the internal structure without changing external behavior. Safely make changes to the API (add/remove parameters, add interface members, move members up the hierarchy) or update legacy code to support new language features. Focus more on code quality and functionality, and let CodeRush handle the routine changes to the code base. Learn more about Code Refactoring & Transformation Code Navigation & SearchMove through your code at warp speed. CodeRush includes innovative, powerful and exclusive tools that help you be exactly where you want to be in an instant, regardless of solution size. Learn more about Code Navigation & Search Code Style & FormattingWith a rich set of code style settings, you get to focus on code quality and functionality while CodeRush focuses on matching the style needed in the moment. And code style settings can be separately configured (if needed) for yourself, individual solutions, and your entire team. You can format code, remove unused code, and sort and group members in a single action. You can do this for the active file or instantly clean up entire folders or projects. CodeRush gives you complete control over the entire process. And if you like, CodeRush will clean up code automatically (to your specifications) when saving documents. Whether it's Style Cop guidelines or any other style you prefer, CodeRush can organize your code and make it easier to read. Learn more about Code Style & Formatting Code Visualization & ReadabilityCodeRush can add code visualization features to Visual Studio, improving code quality and readability, and help you more easily create and debug code. Features include:
Learn more about Code Visualization & Readability Code Coverage & TestingWhen it comes to Test Driven Development, CodeRush is the tool of choice. CodeRush's Test Runner is top of its class. It's the fastest test runner available for .NET. Run and debug a single test, or all tests in the solution. You can even focus on a group of related tests using the Sessions functionality. In-source icons let you run, debug, and see test run status directly from code. And it simply works across test frameworks without any configuration required. NUnit, MSTest (VS Testing), xUnit, and MSpec tests all are working right out of the box. .NetCore (including .Net 5 and .Net 6), .Net Framework, and multi-target projects are also supported. CodeRush Templates make it easier to create new tests with a simple keystroke, while Code Coverage helps your entire team find problem areas in the code. You can even reveal line-by-line coverage details if you like. Learn more about Code Coverage & Testing What's New in the latest versionTest RunnerCodeRush can now run xUnit.Net v3 tests. Voice SupportVoice to Code - Alternate Input ModesWe have added alternate input modes using the Alt and Shift keys, which can now be optionally held down while talking to change how the individual spoken words are interpreted. When the Alt key is pressed while dictating comments or strings, CodeRush switches to code-first mode, and will find and emit matching identifiers into the strings or comments you're dictating. So you can say "We need a descendant of a composite data bound control here" (holding Alt down while saying the bolded words) to get "We need a descendant of a CompositeDataBoundControl here" in your comment or string. The symbols referenced while holding down the Alt key must be in scope and visible/accessible from the comment or string dictated. Inside dictated interpolated strings, you can use the Alt key to emit simple expressions (like "{nameof(PrintOrder)}" or "{myList.Count}" or "{selectedCustomer.Name}"). Curly braces are added automatically. When the Alt key is held down while dictating code, CodeRush switches to new identifier mode, allowing you to dictate the name of a new identifier or method call. To indicate a method call, after saying the method name release the Alt key and say the word "with", followed by any optional dictated arguments to be passed to the method. For example saying "my new method with three and four" (holding Alt while saying the bolded words) will generate "MyNewMethod(3, 4)". And you can use the Shift key to create strings. Words spoken while holding down the Shift key will create string literals in code, escape-quoted sequences of words inside strings, and quoted text in comments. More Voice-to-Code Expressions SupportedThe Voice to Code engine supports more expressions. All of these examples start by holding down the Ctrl key and speaking (after setting up for voice).
Declaring Fields and LocalsUsing the new Alt input mode combined with all new supported expressions, you can now easily dictate field and local declarations. Some of supported patterns include:
Remember, the Alt key needs to be held down while saying the new variable name. For example, you can say "queue of task task queue gets new" to get Overall quality improvementsWe improved the Voice to Code engine to produce higher quality results when speaking naturally. For example, when you say "count is less than zero or greater than five", CodeRush produces Notice that the word count only appears once in the spoken phrase but appears twice in the generated code. CodeRush infers the missing subject in conjoined clauses and explicitly includes it in the corresponding code as needed. The Voice-to-Code engine also includes a higher degree of type validation for arguments, assignments, and binary expressions when mapping spoken words to code. For example, if your code contains phonetic ambiguity in the form of two similarly-sounding symbols (e.g,. Voice CommandsIn this release we added and enhanced voice commands:
TemplatesWe added a number of new string providers you can use when creating custom templates:
Resolved IssuesT1260973 - Code Templates - Parametrized string provider used as an InFormatter for a link does not work T1262897 - XAML Formatting - Single quote (') characters are removed from attribute values T1253910 - Spell Checker - High memory and CPU usage in a big solution T1247886 - Code Issues - Invalid code analysis warning when analyzing potential null reference in the "is { } pattern" expression T1266846 - General - CodeRush 24.1.5 causes an error in the 'Diagnostic analyzer runner' when using Visual Studio 17.12.3 |