Charm EDMX Tools is an add-in for Visual Studio that adds functionality to the Entity Framework EDMX designer in Visual Studio.
It is a vary simple interface: whene you open EDMX designer, on toolbar menu you have a new button: "EDMX FIX".
After that you have execute Edmx Update (VS Tool), you can press "EDMX FIX".
The operations to be performed are the following:
Saving edmx- Removal of fields and tables and their connections that were present sull'edmx but were eliminated from the db. Visual studio default deletes them.
Change of Association Multiplicity for fields that have changed
Change the field properties by taking them from storage. It needs to be configured. It is currently configured for Oracle.
Rename fields if enabled (NamingNavigationProperty.Enabled) with a configurable pattern.
SccPocoFixer for TFS: auto re-add the sub-files of edmx that visual studio has marked as "to be deleted".
Fix for EdmMappingConfigurations with wrong provider name.
Added SetConceptualFieldAttribute as Manual Operation (For RowVersion conceptual Fields)
Added support for VS2012 and 2017
Performance improved.
Support for entities and properties renamed manually.
Added ManualOperations for execute manual operations on StorageModel (RemoveField, SetFieldAttribute, RemoveAssociation)
Fixs problems with TFS integration
Add suport for Visual Studio 2015
Added default configuration for provider SQL Server System.Data.EntityClient
Minor bugs fix
Performance issues
Removing Association (ForeignKey) from ConceptualModels that not exists in StorageModels.
Managed foreignKey recursive on the same table (added settings in config file)