| Xaml Image Converter Renders images or pdf's from Xaml, SVG & Photoshop files. Features: - Rendering of images in ASP.NET on the fly in an HttpHandler or during the build process of a web application.
- Supported target image formats: gif (also animated), jpg, png, tif, bmp, xps, pdf, xaml, ps, eps, pdf/x & pdf/a
- Supported source image formats: xaml, svg, psd, html
- XAML batch files describing conversion jobs and a self describing VisualStudio Item Template with intellisense.
- Image localization support for creating images with localized text for multiple cultures.
- Modification of the source xaml in the batch file, for example to generate multiple buttons with different text.
- Creating animated gif's or filmstrips from xaml storyboards.
- Creation of HTML image maps from visual shapes of named xaml or svg elements.
- Conversion of HTML to PDF.
This software is OpenSource, and you can find this Project on CodePlex onxamlimageconverter.codeplex.com. | Related Links Documentation Downloads | info8@johnshope.com | www.johnshope.com |
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