DataOps Suite integration with Azure Devops supports running DataOps Suite Dataflow or Pipeline from Azure Pipeline.
Parameters of the task
The task is used to run DataOps Suite Dataflow or Pipeline . The mandatory fields are highlighted with a *.
DataOps Username*: Specify DataOps Suite Login Username.
DataOps Password*: Specify DataOps Suite Login Password.
DataOps Hostname*: Select the mode of providing the script. Task supports two modes: one as a Script Path to a linked artifact and another as an inline script, default selection being the "Script Path"
Run Type*: Select the DataOps Runtype to be executed from the dropdown.
Id*: Specify the Dataflow Id or DataOps Pipeline as the selection made against Run Type.
Run Parameters: List of Parameters that are required to be provided to execute the pipeline, parameters such as pipelineDefaultEngine,environmentname etc. provide values seperated by a comma(,). For example: pipelineDefaultEngine=,environmentname=.
Note: This is applicable for Dataops Pipeline run.
Fail Task if run fails: Fails the extension task if the dataflow or pipeline fails.
Generate Test Results File: Check this check box if you want publish the DataOps test results to Azure Pipeline. Default value is true. If the checkbox is selected then an xml file with following name pattern "dataflow-runresults-". The generated xml file confirms to JUnit XSD schema.
Results File Name (.xml): Specify the filename for the test results file. Only .xml files are accepted. For unique name include * which will be replaced with run id. For example, dataflow-runresults-*.xml will become `dataflow-runresults-_.xml
What's new in Version 1.0
Supports execution of dataflow and pipeline.
Generates JUnit schema format test results file to publish the results back to Azure Pipeline.