Background XML Mirror was first created because I used to work at a job where my duties involved consuming large amounts of data via web services from popular enterprise social networks such as Yammer & Tibbr. I have never been a fan of parsing xml by hand as the amount of code required to handle numerous types of nodes in the xml is very tedious and time consuming. XML Mirror was created using the same C# Class Writer as is used in RAD Studio Code Generation Toolkit, available at (version 6.0 should be released by the time you read this or soon thereafter). I tried to sell Xml Mirror for a few years, but I am horrible at marketing because I spend all my time writing code. I made the decision to release this open source because I feel Xml Mirror is too useful to reside only on my pc. Parsers The first version of Xml Mirror only created parsers. XML Mirror Parsers use partial classes in the same manner as they are used in RAD Studio Code Generation Toolkit. The base class ([MirrorName].base.cs) is rebuilt every time you rebuild your parser, but the custom class is only created if it does not exist. This allows you to update your base class if you discover new fields you need to parse (which happens to me often) and any code you have created in the custom class ([MirrorName].custom.cs) will not be overwritten. Writers Writers are new to version 2.0 and have been on my to do list for many years, but I finally managed to find the time. I have used the Xml Serializer from Microsoft and it works sometimes, but I have experienced problems using it. I have also written Xml by hand more times than I care to admit. Xml Mirror uses reflection to create C# Xml Writers that export properties for the selected object. You can view the Xml Mirror 2.0 Intro video here: The download on the Code Plex site contains a Documents folder that can be launched via the Help menu from MainForm.cs of the Xml Mirror project. Please download Xml Mirror for yourself and let me know what you think of it. I think it is the coolest program I have ever written as it makes creating C# Parsers and Writers very simple. Note: If you have VS 2012 or 2013, you may need to install the Target Packs for 4.61 from here to have the version 4.61 option show up as all of the projects in the download are set to vresion 4.61 of the Dot Net Framework. Thanks, Corby Data Juggler Software |