Offers both performance and eas-of-use while providing the same security protocol that protects secure transactions world-wide. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) authentication and encryption will ensure your data stays private as it travels across the public network.
Use the same security protocol that protects secure transactions world-wide. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)authentication and encryption will ensure your data stays private as it travels across the public network.
Write HTTP/S applications that provideclient-side authentication WITHOUT displaying an annoying dialog asking the user to select his security certificate.
CertificateList ActiveX control makes it easy to manage digital certificates.
Certificate COM object exposes the details of digital certificates sent and received.
CertificateStore COM object exposes collections of installed Certificate objects for management purposes for both the Current User and Local Machine, enabling the construction of Secure Servers that can also run as Services.
Properties and events for certificate authentication give you complete control over what you will accept or reject.