ImageScan (VB6) - TWAIN (VS.NET) |
| Propertys |
| Left, Top, Right, Bottom | Return or set the coordinate for image size during the acquisition |
| ColorType | Return or set the pixel type of current acquisition |
| FileName * | Name of file for to save or load image |
| FileType * | Set image type fot to save |
| Image | Return the current acquisition image |
| Quality * | Set image quality fro jpeg formats |
| Resolution | Return or set the current DPI resolution for the acquisition |
| ShowInterface | Return or set if the standard dialog must be shown |
| ShowProgress | Return or set the standard progress dialogmust be shown |
| UnitType | Return or set the units for coordinates |
| Methods |
| BlackWihite * | Converts a bitmap to an 1-bit black and white bitmap |
| Blur * | Blur the image |
| CancelOperation | Cancel the current acquisition |
| Compare * | Compare current bitmap with another bitmap |
| Contrast * | Increases or decreases the contrast of the bitmap |
| Crop * | Select a area and to crop the display to show only that area |
| Fade * | Increases or decreases the transparency of the bitmap |
| Fit * | Resize the bitmap to the current view size |
| Flip * | Flips the bitmap from top to bottom |
| GrayScale * | Converts a bitmap to an 8-bit grayscale bitmap |
| Invert * | Inverts the colors in the bitmap, making it like a photographic negative |
| Lighten * | Increases or decreases the light of the bitmap |
| Load * | Load one images from a file (GIF, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG) |
| Resize * | Resize the bitmap |
| Reverse * | Reverses the bitmap (left to right) to produce a mirror image |
| Rotate * | Rotates the bitmap to +90° |
| Save * | Save the current image in to a file (GIF, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG) |
| SaveAdd * | Save the current image in to a TIFF multipage file |
| Scan | Load one images from a image scanner devices |
| SelectSource | Select a devices of image scanner |
| Sharpen * | Increases the sharpness of the image in the bitmap |
| ShowLoad * | Select a file to load with standard dialog interface |
| ShowSave * | Save current bitmap in to file with standard dialog interface |
| Zoom * | Increases or decreases the zoom of the bitmap |