This extension allows you to run any code in a docker container in Azure Container Instances
Why is this awsome?
Using ACI (Azure Container Instances) form VSTS allows you to trigger any task that can be wrapped in a container from VSTS or TFS. This means you're no longer limited to what a specific agent provides - instead you fire up a container in ACI to do what you want it to do and run a given task. The logs of the container will be displayed in your VSTS logs.
Quick steps to get started
Provide the following info:
Service Prinicpal: Your ID for your service principal on Azure
Password: Password of your service prinicpal
Tenant: Azure tenant to be used
Resource Group: Resource Group on Azure (will be created if it doesn't exist)
Container Name: Name of your container instance.
image: Name of container image. Currently no login credentials for a custom registry can be used.
environment variables: If you want to pass environment variables put them in this field. Do not comma-separate them.
Known issue(s) - READ THIS
Currently this is a very early version which serves rather as a proof of concept than a product. Here a some issues:
Supports Linux Containers only
Make sure you use self-terminating containers (task containers) - otherwise they will run forever and cost you money!
Errors within the task are not captured (at all!)
Configuration of ACI instance is limited
No support for custom container registry yet
No support to pass & share files from and to the container in place (Workaround could be an additional environment variable you introduce)
Service Prinicpal access required
SP has to have permission to create resource groups