What is Azure Devops Traceabilty Report Tool Azure Devops Traceabilty Report Tool generates Excel reports documenting traceability between your items. Azure Devops Traceabilty Report Tool makes it so easy to trace all non-direct connections between work items in your project. Using this tool, you generate a hard copy documentation about the requirements / test methods / bugs found and work to be done in one single report. Bonus: if you choose to include test cases in the report and a column for work item state, then for test cases the state column will contain last execution outcome. Azure Devops Traceabilty Report Tool was created by Sela Group Ltd. Licensing • For purchasing please contact: Gabriel Bayer, gabib@you-niversity.com 1-888-774-9471 • Unlicensed use will generate the test runs reports, but random items will appear with missing data • You are invited to request a demo for 1 month full functionality Software requirements • Azure Devops Environment version 2019 and upper, or Azure Devops Cloud. • Azure Devops Traceabilty Report Tool requires Excel. • At least reader permissions on Azure Devops. What's new in