Quick overview
The tasks available in this extension are:
- InstallBundletool
- AabConvertToUniversalApk
- Bundletool
Check the Github repository for more informations!
Basic usage
Install latest version of bundletool:
- task: InstallBundletool@1
username: 'githubUsername' # Optional but RECOMMANDED
personalAccessToken: '$(githubPersonnalAccessToken)' # Optional but RECOMMANDED
The Github credentials are used to only read the bundletool public repository. If you don't specify it you will be limited by the defaults rate limits of the Github API. If the limit is reached then the task will obviously failed.
Then with the bundletool installed in your agent you can use these following tasks:
Convert your Android App Bundle (Aab) into a universal Apk, it's useful for platform distribution like App Center:
- task: AabConvertToUniversalApk@1
aabFilePath: 'path/to/*.aab'
keystoreFilePath: '$(keyStore.secureFilePath)'
keystorePassword: '$(keystore.password)'
keystoreAlias: '$(key.alias)'
keystoreAliasPassword: '$(key.password)'
outputFolder: 'path/to/folder' # Optional. Default is: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
bundletoolJarPath: 'path/to/bundletooljar' # Optional if you use the InstallBundletool task or set the bundletoolpath environment variable.
Use custom arguments for bundletool:
- task: Bundletool@1
bundletoolArguments: 'version'
bundletoolJarPath: 'path/to/bundletooljar' # Optional if you use the InstallBundletool task or set the bundletoolpath environment variable.