The DAX Editor is an extension to Visual Studio 2012, 2013, and 2015, which makes it easier to work with DAX with a Microsoft Analysis Services Tabular project.
It includes:
DAX Syntax Highlighting
DAX Formatting
Textual representation of measures defined in a Tabular project
Extracting/importing measures from/to a Tabular model file (.BIM)
The KPIs are supported in version 2.0.1701.1501 - however, tests have been limited, so please forward any bug/issue working on them.
From the Model menu, select Get Measures from BIM file. This opens a .dax file
Edit measures in the .dax file.
To save your new or modified measures to the .bim file (WARNING: measures missing in DAX file will be removed!): --> Close the .bim file. --> Click the DAX file to activate. --> Select DAX->Save Measures to BIM file. --> Reload the BIM file. New measures appear in the far left corner of the measure grid.
To get measures from the BIM file to the DAX file: --> Save the .bim file. --> Select DAX->Get Measures from BIM file. The contents of the DAX file are overwritten with the measures from the BIM file.