Boilerplate enables quick starting a C#, WPF project with pure MVVM architecture. WpfApp template is a MVVM structured WPF project containing: - Controls folder - Models folder - Utils folder, containing a RelayCommand implementation with and without argument - ViewModels folder, containing a base view model implementing INotifyPropertyChanged, and view models for the main view and the about view - Views containing the main view and the about view The main view implements a simple menu and an about box.
What's New -v0.4: added Logger with Log4Net, added command-line startup of application to enable opening files on double-clicking (file type association)
The template contains - WpfApp: a template for a WPF project with MVVM structure built in. - a unit test project with advanced functionality - a template to create both WpfApp and Unit Test templates at the same time |