Add custom items to Windows Explorer shell context menu easily with Context Menu Platinum (.Net Component for C#, VB, etc.). Easy to start (just install), easy to add your custom menu items (just one lines of template code for every menu item), easy to use (.Net, C#, VB, etc.) easy to deploy (just add 1 small file to your installation pack).
First, some words about appending of your items to Explorer context menu - and about how you may do it.
Shell context menu items appending component is a COM server, that may be written, according to Microsoft specifications, only on unmanaged C++.
You may spend hours and hours, day by day trying to add your items to Windows Explorer shell context menu by writing unmanaged C++ implementations for outdated IContextMenu.QueryContextMenu, IShellExtInit.Initialize, IContextMenu.InvokeCommand, RegisterServer, IContextMenu.GetCommandString, UnregisterServer, for many others - and all it on unmanaged C++, because managed code, written, for example, on C# or VB, may not be correctly used in shell extension.
Days of work with unmanaged C++ code, your clients protests when your application for the umpteenth time crashed Explorer and even all client computer - Is any salvation in such hard situation?
Yes - and it is Context Menu Platinum.
We spent more than 4 years writing, extending and improving it for you to add your menu items to Windows Explorer shell context menu - for you to add menu items easily and fast.
Key features:
* Explorer shell context menu - easy to use in your program
(just add 1 line of template code for every item you want to add to shell menu);
* Easy to deploy
(just add 1 small file to your installation pack);
* Works on any computer
(all modern operating systems are supported, including Windows XP and all types of Vista);
Want to add your items to Windows Explorer shell context menu? Do it easily with Explorer Context Menu Platinum. More info and free download at