ComponentArt Charting for WPF is a comprehensive set of charting components designed to deliver interactive visualization of business data featuring brilliant rendering, interactive drill-downs, built-in zooming & scrolling and smart annotation objects. | One Package, All the Charts You'll Ever NeedComponentArt Charting for Silverlight, part of ComponentArt Data Visualization, features a wide array of charting controls: - »ComponentArt XyChart – 2D and 3D charts, including bar & column charts, line & area charts, bubble & marker charts, and financial & stock charts (such as candlestick and open-high-low-close);
- »ComponentArt PieChart – 2D and 3D pie & donut charts featuring the ability to customize data point annotations and popups, as well as to shift individual slices;
- »ComponentArt FunnelChart – providing attractive 2D and 3D funnel visualizations, with templated strips and data point annotations;
- »ComponentArt RadarChart – delivering effective 2D and 3D radar charts through a combination of line, area and marker styles;
- »ComponentArt TreeMap – providing interactive treemap visualizations, with templated item and group annotations and item popups.
Charting Millions of RecordsComponentArt's Charting controls have been designed to handle extremely large amounts of data – measured in millions of records – through a highly effective built-in virtualization system. Chart rendering is never a bottleneck; the controls handle millions of records through the new sampling system which is enabled automatically when large record sets are used. ComponentArt ships an industry-first: an integrated dashboard example showcasing interactive navigation through one million records on the client. The Industry's Most Extensive Charting Feature SetComponentArt sets a new standard in charting through a comprehensive set of sophisticated features including: range highlighting along X or Y axis, delta indicator stripes, target line, logarithmic axis, multiple independent Y axis, automatically adjusted ranges, projected values, unlimited levels of axis annotations, free-form X/Y zooming and scrolling, datapoint and range selection, expanded popup types, context menu, drag & drop integration with theGridView control, dynamic range adjustment when hiding or showing series and many more. Integration with the Powerful CalcEngineAll Charting controls can directly leverage the powerful data processing capabilities of theCalcEngine control. This enables any number of "computed" series, where statistical, financial or dataset operations can be performed on a dataset through a simple "Calc" expression. A New Level of InteractivityProviding context through animated drill-downs, enabling data point selection and templated popups, interactive zooming & scrolling have all been developed to take productivity and user experience to a whole new level. Suite-Wide Themes & PalettesThemes are used throughout the suite to define the visual characteristics of the interface, while palettes define the colors of various interface elements. ComponentArt Charting for Silverlight ships with a set of professionally designed themes and palettes, all of which can be further customized to match any branding requirements. Visual Studio 2010 Design Time SupportComponentArt Charting for Silverlight offers extensive design-time capabilities within Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010 IDE. All controls include custom-designed UI panels – enabling quick customization and design-time preview. In addition, ComponentArt is pleased to include one-click application licensing, greatly simplifying the deployment of your solution. |
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