Latest stable release of SQL Compact Code Generator(Originally released from CodePlex on Jan 23, 2012) Features introduced in this version:Windows Phone 7 "Mango" support for generating a LINQ to SQL DataContext Windows Phone 7 "Mango" Column Indexes Windows Phone 7 "Mango" Entity Ref Associations Windows Phone 7 "Mango" Entity Set Associations Windows Phone 7 "Mango" Version column SQL Compact Edition version 4.0 Support Multiple test framework code generating (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit) Transaction support per DataRepository instance (Begin, Commit, Rollback) Code generation options to enable/disable unit test code generation Display table data Generate mock data access code Export generated code to files containing one class each Features:Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 Custom Tool Support Generates .NET Compact and Full Framework compatible code Creates entity classes for each table in the database Generates data access code that implements the Repository Pattern Generates methods for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations Generates SelectBy methods for every column in every table Generates a Purge method for every table to delete all records Generates Count() method for retrieving the number of records in each table Generates CreateDatabase() method for re-creating the database Generates xml-doc code comments for entities and data access methods Generates Entity Unit Tests Generates Data Access Unit Tests Generates Mock Data Access code Data Access Custom Tools:
Data Access Unit Test Custom Tools:
Write the name of the custom tool you wish to use in the Custom Tool field in the Properties Window of an SDF file included in your project, this should create a code-behind file for the generated data access code |