Chant Developer Workbench is comprised of tools and class libraries for integrating speech and natural user interface technology. You can manage conversations, grammars, lexicons, movement, profiles, speech, and text-to-speech markup directly within apps you develop.
Chant Developer Workbench is comprised of essential tools and class libraries for developing software that speaks, listens, and interacts with users.
It provides an IDE for developing and interactively testing speech and natural user interface technologies.
You can manage conversations, grammars, movement, profiles, lexicons, speech, and text-to-speech markup directly within application software you develop and deploy.
Design Grammars with GrammarKit
A GrammarKit application can:
Compile and validate grammar syntax; and
Persist compiled grammar binary.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Create and edit grammars in native grammar syntax;
Generate word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
Compile and debug grammars; and
Test grammars with live audio (requires SpeechKit).
Track Movement with KinesicsKit
A KinesicsKit application can:
Capture and map color, depth, and body data;
Record and playback audio files; and
Integrate movement tracking with speech technology.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Render and analyze color, depth, and body data; and
Validate sensor image streams.
Tailor Pronunciations with LexiconKit
A LexiconKit application can:
Create and delete lexicon word pronunciations on demand; and
Edit lexicon word pronunciations for ensuring maximum recognition
accuracy and speech synthesis quality.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Create and edit W3C lexicons (.pls);
Create and edit Cepstral lexicon file (.txt);
Generate word pronunciation phonemes; and
Edit word pronunciation phonemes; and
Speak word pronunciation phonemes.
Administer Speaker Profiles with ProfileKit
A ProfileKit application can:
Create and delete speaker profiles on demand;
Launch recognizer built-in dialogs;
Customize speaker training.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Create and delete speaker profiles;
Enumerate speaker profiles; and
Invoke recognizer built-in speaker training.
Recognize and Synthesize Speech with SpeechKit
A SpeechKit application can:
Control application functions by speaking rather than having to use a mouse or keyboard;
Prompt users for applicable data capture;
Capture data by speaking rather than typing;
Confirm data capture with spoken or audio acknowledgement;
Transcribe audio files to text; and
Synthesize speech to files.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Enumerate speech engines for testing recognizer-, and synthesizer-specific features;
Trace recognition and synthesis events;
Support grammar activation and testing; and
Support TTS markup playback.
Fine-tune Speech Synthesis with VoiceMarkupKit
A VoiceMarkupKit application can:
Generate markup language in Acapela TTS Tag, CereProc CereVoice, Microsoft
SAPI 5 XML, and W3C SSML syntax; and
Dynamically switch among speech APIs and syntax formats.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Create and edit documents with TTS markup;
Generate TTS markup;
Generate word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit);
Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit); and
Playback text with TTS markup (requires SpeechKit).
Enrich Conversations with VoiceXMLKit
A VoiceXMLKit application can:
Validate VoiceVXML syntax; and
Interpret VoiceXML documents.
Within the Chant Developer Workbench IDE, you can:
Create and edit VoiceXML documents;
Test VoiceXML documents with microphone audio and keypad data; and