UnderlinerUnderliner for Visual Studio provides squiggly underlining for warnings generated by Code Analysis, StyleCop, JsLint or any tool that adds warnings from the build process. UsageUnderliner parses the warnings window when you open a document in visual studio. If there are warnings related to the document, the code on the corresponding line will get a squiggly underline and a tooltip containing the warning. If the warnings in the Error List window is hidden when the file is opened, the warning underlines will not be added. When a build is completed the warning underlines is automatically updated. If you edit a line containing a warning underline, the warning is considered invalid by theUnderliner, so the warning underline is consequently removed. The warning underlines follows the code when editing, which means that the line number matches the line numbers in the Error List until you add or remove rows before the relevant row. This should be the expected behaviour. Underliner has currently no settings of it's own. LicenseThis version is free for personal use. Changesv1.1.7Handling of an ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurring when a warning points to a line that doesn't exist in the source file. v1.1.6Multitargeting Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012. Handling of COMExceptions that occurs when the Error List isn't ready yet. |